[STEEMIT 101] Feeling Stuck In Your Growth On Steemit? - This Might Be The Solution!


This Is My Conclusion On Why My Audience Doesn't Grow As It's "Supposed" To Do.

Stuck in Growth.

First of all, you will face many different obstacles along the way when you're trying to grow your audience. You get passed one of them and another one shows up at the next corner. This is something that will continue more or less forever, but with time, effort and hard work, it will become easier to handle and easier to bypass.

Let me ask you this.

Have you ever felt that you've done literally everything you can think of and you still don't get the results you're hoping for?

Have you tried to "expand" and publish content outside your "comfort zone" in desperate attempts to generate rewards and to attract eyeballs and gain new followers?

Have you ever been jealous or felt envy when you've seen other authors making "milestone"-posts multiple times per week, due to their insane growth?

We've all seen these posts and most of us have been in the exact same situation you find yourself in now actually. Even though many of us wouldn't dare to admit it. Neither to you or to ourselves.

My last question is:

Have you ever been tempted to publish less quality content just for the sake of publishing and to increase your chances to earn something?

Let's face it. You're stuck...

As I am not scared of being brutally honest about myself, my temptations and my desire, I have no problem with telling you things like it is. - Your growth is stagnant and I've been there too!

  • Like most of us.

In one of my previous articles I wrote about my growth during these last 5 days, during the time I was AFK. I went on a mini-vacation, so I wasn't nearly as active on Steemit as I use to be.

I still got 79 new followers during that time!


79 new followers in 5 days might not sound like that much, but it's still an amazing achievement. Especially when you take into consideration that I was inactive during most of this time. I didn't publish any new content and I didn't comment on other authors articles either... But I still got 79 new followers during this time.

Another thing I want to share with you before we continue is this:

That's the results I had 16 days ago. So in 16 days, I've gained 159 followers in total and I was AFK during 5 days!

  • Now you might wonder how this is possible?

I am not a wizard and I'm nothing near an expert blogger... But I spend time and I work hard and that's all it takes. - That, and a bit of luck obviously, but mostly hard work and tons of effort.

Let me break things down in details.

First of all, I've been sharing several "how to's", "guides" and "101's" since I joined Steemit in July 2016. Many of my followers have followed me due to the fact that they stumbled upon some of old content.

Here's one example:

I wrote and published that in August 2016.

  • About 1 month after I joined Steemit.

Here's Some Of My Previous "How To" Guides.

Easy To Understand STEEMIT "How To" Guides. [For Newcomers Success]

Sure, you can definitely have great success on a fluke and on pure randomness, but consistency is key. Hard work will pay off in the end... Meanwhile randomness can occur but will not generate any long-term results.

  • So which one do you prefer?

Do you want to be consistent and still have the chance of randomness to affect you or do you want to rely on randomness? - I guess you'll rely on your own hard work and your effort to bring you the results you're looking for.

Congratulations, this is your first step towards your own success!

"I usually don't tell people what they should do. I show people what I've done myself. That is what leadership is all about."

This is something I've said before and I say the same thing again. I don't claim myself to be an expert and I never try to be someone I'm not... - However, I share my knowledge, my experience and things I've done myself... And others can freely do as they wish with that.

This whole 101 is not different. I don't tell you that you should do what I've done and others might tell you other things than what I've stated in this article... - But once you've read everything I have to share, you can decide if you want to take my route or do things differently.

What I share with you here is what I have done myself, and I personally feel and believe that this is working perfectly for me. So it might work for you too!

I never promise what I cannot deliver. Perhaps that's due to my past as a freelancer but I think it's more due to the way I'm raised. - An empty promise can and will have a negative effect, either immeditately or with time. But it will always bite you in the ass sooner or later.

Squeeze out the most of your time & effort.

While we have dozens of different Steemit-tools I rarely use them.

I mainly use Steemit, Steemd and Steemreports. And I use them all frequently.

I also never ask or beg anyone to follow me or upvote any of my content. I also never ask people to visit my blog as that means the exact same thing, even if you're using a different phrase.

Another thing I do, is to remain consistent, and I try to publish between 1 and 4 articles per day, no matter the value of Steem and/or SBD.

Why Do I Even Mention That?

In all honesty, I've seen more than a handful of authors who've started to publish way more content recently due to the spikes in SBD and Steem. Prior to the spikes, they published anything between 1 and 3 articles per day but since the spike they've started to publish 8-10+ articles per day and I am not one of those people.

  • I believe that greed is ugly and such deeds will hurt me in the long run.

At least that's what I personally believe, and that's also the reason for me to refrain from behaving like that.

I am also consistent and continue to work hard and put in tons of effort even if I don't earn. I've seen many articles out there being well-rewarded even though they are nothing but crap. - Many or even most of my articles are at least 3 times better but I still get 5% or 10% of their rewards... But I continue to work hard because I truly believe that hard work pays off.

That being said...

I use Steemd to see the overall engagement. I can easily see who upvotes my content and I can see new comments being made on my content. I also work hard to respond to or upvote all comments on my articles, because I believe that each authors success will start on their own blog.

I do this due to my beliefs of growing as a community. My readers spend time writing comments on my articles and the least I can do is to respond or upvote. - If I ignore or neglect those around me, I will be treated the same way.

My reply should be seen as a token of appreciation. A way of saying "thank you" for the support and the time it takes for the person to write their comments. An upvote, no matter the value, would also be seen the same way.

I've seen more than a handful of authors...

I have seen many well-rewarded and established Steemians truly neglecting their readers/followers in terms of responding to the comments they get. - Don't be like them!

They can afford to behave like this because they already have continuous support, but if and once the support vanish they don't have a safety-net or a backup plan!

And truth to be told... They would have to start from more or less scratch again.

You can find out more about that here:

Make Steemit An Even Better Place: Interact With Your Audience.

I also use Steemreports to find out more statistics. I can easily see how many upvotes I've made, the amount of self-votes and the amount of people who've been voting on my content.

These are the two most vital tools in my approach, as this will give me a better understanding and a more in-depth explanation and overview so I can compare my own results from yesterday with the results I have today.

  • I never compare myself with others. I compare my results from yesterday with the results I get today.

Just Publish!

Take it from someone who tried everything to find a pattern. I tried to figure out the best possible time to publish to get the most exposure and the most upvotes... But such approach is doomed to fail.

I've been a member on Steemit since July 2016 and I have to tell you... I've probably done most of the things you're doing right now... And I've never been able to find that shortcut you're looking for.

I've been lucky a couple of times but most of the times, I've reduced the amount of luck with hard work and effort. - Because, like I've already said a couple of times now, I truly believe that hard work pays off!

I am still struggling and I still have a long way to go... I will continue to work hard and struggle because I honestly feel that I will never get enough or be done or perfect.

  • Steemit is growing and we're evolving.

I will continue to work towards my own personal goals and milestones. I want to reach 2000 followers, I want to reach a total SP of 5000, but I have milestones.

One milestone is already at 1000, which isn't far at all. The next step will be 2500 SP and 5000 will come after that. - It will take time... And time, effort and hard work is what I will bring to the table.

  • I will achieve my goals and dreams!

So Why Doesn't My Audience Grow As It's "Supposed" To Do?

There can be many reasons.

It's either due to the fact that people don't like me or my content. It might be due to the simple fact that they haven't seen my articles. Perhaps it's due to the fact that I didn't make enough comments on other authors content yesterday or the day before... It might be because I couldn't help that one Steemian who faced some problems the other day...

  • Who knows?

The most important part, is that you continue to work hard. No matter the results you get today... Because you will reach new levels and become successful with time.

Analyze your own behaviour and your approach. Using the tools I've mentioned will make it easy for you to grasp the truth and the reality behind your own success so far... And it should also be an enormous help for you to realize what you need to implement further on...

  • Adapt and Conquer!

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