STEEMIT 101 - How Many Articles Per Day Is Enough? [@hitmeasap Crash Course!]


Dear Steemians,

In this article, I'll shed some light upon this whole "how many articles can I publish?"-thing. The truth is, that some people publish an average of 8 posts per day, meanwhile others have an average of only 2 or 3 articles per week.

  • Is there any difference between these authors?

Let's face it, the people posting 8 articles per day, or per 24 hour that is, will obviously reap more rewards and have a much higher chance of getting exposure and rewards compared to these other people who doesn't post the same amount of articles.

I have published an average of 4 or 5 posts per day for a long period of time, but recently decreased my average and post about 2 or 3 per 24 hour. - I do this due to a handful of different reasons.

First of all, I don't want to rape the rewardpool by posting tons of articles per day, so that's why I've always had a limit. - However, my earnings are extremely low compared to some other established authors, so I know that my earnings would'nt be much of a "rape"... - But, I figured that the earnings I get, is actually something I personally would call "minnow-rewards".

And if I limit the amount of posts I publish, other minnows might be able to reap a little bit more on their articles.

How Many Articles Per Day Is Enough?

I would say that it depends on what you mean by "enough". - If you're asking how many posts you should publish to yield the best results or if you're asking how many articles others will read before they're getting tired of your posts...

The thing is, that it all depends on your audience.

Also, it might seem a bit unfair to some people, when they see all these established authors who publish 8 posts per day, with earnings of $100+ on all of them... Meanwhile they struggle to publish only 2 posts per day, as they're doing something completely different.

In all honesty...

I'm actually a decent artist so I could probably post about 10 different things per day, if I tried. - However, I haven't shared any art at all.

Instead, I am writing articles that takes me several hours to write. - Which also leads to less published articles per 24 hours.

I could easily create some fancy Steemit logo, or write Steemit in a fancy handwritten font and whatever.. - And publish those multiple times per day to increase my chances for exposure, followers and rewards... - But I like to pave the way for others, so I strive to publish articles that will help others.

And don't take me wrong. - There's nothing wrong about publishing multiple articles per day. - But to me, it could potentially seem a bit greedy at times. Especially when well-known authors are doing this to reap rewards. - It's also pretty easy to spot.

That being said, people see value differently. Some people will love to see 10+ per day from the same author meanwhile others will be tired after reading only 2.

I personally, am also a bit afraid of posting multiple articles per day, as I don't want to lose the support I've managed to get. - I don't want to be seen as someone who's greedy and publish articles for money. - I'm not that person.

I strongly recommend to all of my readers, minnow or dolphin+, to post an average of 2 articles per day. However, I recommend 4 per day, in the beginning, so everyone can find out the best time to publish their articles.

Also, more than 2 articles per day is hard to publish without starting to affect the quality of the articles. - It's obviously different if you publish art. - Your art could be of high quality even if you publish 1 or 15 posts.

The same goes for photographs. When I share photos, I usually share multiple photos in the same post, meanwhile other authors are sharing only 1 or 2.. - And they do this to maximize their chances for exposure and rewards. - Which is obvious but there's nothing wrong with that.

What To Do?

Like I've already stated, I publish anything between 2 and 4 articles per day. - And I will not publish more than that. At least not regularly.

Whenever I find an established Steemian publishing 6-7-8+ posts per day, I usually ignore to vote on the content and I unfollow these people from time to time, as I can't support reward pool rape. - I can't support greed like that. - I believe it's wrong to take advantage of your support to gain as much rewards as possible by posting as many articles you can per day, and it usually affects the quality of the articles too... - And there's no reason to publish poor quality to reap good rewards.

The sad part is, that these people usually don't see it like this at all.. And they continue to publish their content because they truly love the support they get... - But meanwhile they appreciate their support, they end up hurting others too. And in worst case, they could end up hurting themselves too... - As I'm not the only one seeing this behaviour.

What Can I Do?

I am a decent artist and I love to play around with Sony Video Vegas, (You might have seen some of my Steemit-intros earlier). And these things is much easier for me to do, than to write full lenght articles of good quality. Especially as I'm not native in English.

So, I could potentially do an experiment.

I could publish, let's say 8 articles per day too... If I publish:

  • 3 videos (Sony Video Vegas).
  • 3 Steemit-Logos/Designs or whatever. (Art).
  • 2 Articles.

That could work... But it could also hurt myself if the support I have today decides to not support me anymore due to this behaviour.. - And I don't want to risk that.

  • And that's why I don't to it. - I don't earn much but I am to afraid of losing the support I've got, so I can't risk that by being greedy. Or by showing a greedy-behaviour.

Note that these aren't facts. I don't know if I would lose my support. I could actually get even more support by posting even more... - As I reach out to more people and all that.. And some people might see me as even more dedicated if I share 10 posts per day instead of 2 or 3.

However, I don't feel good enough or secure enough to gamble with the support I have, so I can't allow myself to risk it. - I'd rather stick to my plan and publish few articles and hope, for each article I publish, that the support will still be there.

Sooner or later, I'll have to decide if I should up my game and publish even more things or if I should take this slow approach I do today.. - The question is, when to do it.

Until I decide, I'll stick to 2, 3 or 4 post per 24 hour. It seems fair and it yield decent rewards. - And that won't seem greedy.

We all have different approaches and some will do something entirely different compared to me, and that's okay. You'll need to come up with your own thing. What works best for you, and how much of a risk you're willing to take.

I play it "safe" so to speak. At least for now.

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