Story Time! - How I First Started My Freelancing Career And How I Became My Own Boss.

My First Selling Experience Online..

I started out by selling my teams tactics, from when I was a Counterstrike player. I got approached by a captain from another team and he asked me to share some of our stuff.. I got, I think it was $100 or so and I shared some of our "secrets". My role in our team was IGL. I was the in-game leader and the tactician so I had no problem with selling some of our things. It was after all my ideas to begin with. However, after doing this, I obviously had to come up with new things for us to do in game.. And from no where, I got approached by the same person a second time. He wanted more. I agreed.


This is about 15 years ago..

I never realized what I was doing back then.. Not until a couple of years later actually. - I made my first cash online and I did it by providing a client with a product or service. That's business!

After a few years I found some cool stories online. Stories about fancy cars and castles. Stories about vacations on tropical islands, drinks and private jets was also a very common read..

I probably started my freelancing career due to all these stories.. Due to all this BS.


That being said, I've always been "slightly different" compared to my childhood friends and compared to other "normal" kids in school. I had tons of friends, I were one of the "cool" guys and I was never bullied or something like that.. But, I also had a different sight on things. I often saw things from another perspective.

Honestly speaking, I've never been that "ordinary" guy. I have always felt like doing my own thing. Run my own show. And I've done that, through my entire life. In good times and in bad. I've made tons of mistakes and I've failed more times than I could possibly count on my fingers. When I went in 9th grade. I was a bit "rebellious" during a lesson and my teacher started to yell at me.

I didn't listen to what she said, I didn't care, and I did my own thing.. Until she screamed:


  • My answer got me kicked out of the classroom. I simply told her: "I'll be a postman" (mailman).

The thing is, I had no intentions at all, I wasn't interested in becoming a postman.. But, I never looked down on a postman. It's a job and everyone should appreciate those people, as they deliver your snailmail. - She did however, apparently, as she kicked me out of the classroom.

Anyhow, this is starting to get a bit weird, to think of all these things, and this posts will never end.. Long story short. Even back then, I saw things with different eyes compared to others. I could stand up for myself. I never backed down. I walked the walk and I talked the talk so to speak. When I finally started out working online, I started as a reseller. I sold social media services.

Today, I focus on brand building and product creation, which is my main business, but I do invest in various small projects several times per year. Although most of them are pure crap and doesn't earn me a dime. I do it for one reason. I think it's fun, and that's important for me. I want to have fun and if I would be able to generate income by helping others, I wouldn't say no as long as I could afford to help them.

With all this being said, I love my freelancing career, I work full time and I've been doing that for a few years now. I have one goal in life, when we're talking business, and that's to set up multiple income streams, and even though I haven't succeeded yet, I've had some ups and downs and I've gained knowledge and experience along the way.. And I'm not talking about selling services on multiple marketplaces or anything like that. I'm talking about investments and passive income.

Who knows, one day I might come across something so appealing that I'll invest everything I've got.. And, suddenly, I'd just disappear due to a bad investment... Or.. Perhaps you'll see me on the news as a new Hugh Hefner in a Playboy Mansion.


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