A straight to Steemit Novel?! A chapter a week - my plan.

You can try to read the text in the picture. It is my hand writing, and terrible. A while back, when I first started to become active on Steemit, I commented on an article that was about how you could make more as a writer on Steemit than in conventional publishing.

Having previously worked as a journalist in the Video Game industry, and having done reviews, editorial content, and copy; this seemed very true after my first few days on the platform. I have always loved to tell stories, and have always wanted to take part in an event like nano-wri-mo, where you write x words per day, in order to produce a novel by the end of the month. Well, I'm not waiting anymore. I'm going to start!

The Format

I will be producing a chapter a week for this novel, in order to enable "next" and "previous" links to enable reader continuity down the track. This will start tomorrow. The idea is each 6 days, there will be a new chapter available.

So What is it about?

The novel will be based on a travel story. It will be written from a first person perspective, and I intend to let the characters develop organically as I write. There will be no overarching plan or process. I'm starting with the situation of a road trip, focusing on the topic of travel, and seeing where my imagination will take flight.

Why are you doing this?

So we can have some original content on Steemit. I have written longer stories in the past, but these have not been formally published. I did dabble in Amazon's KDP program with a novella that I wrote when I was much, much younger as part of a youth writing contest, but I am feeling inspired again.
I'm open to feedback. I'm open to comments driving the story. Like I said, I have no plan for this story other than the topic of "travel". I'm excited about Steemit. You all should be, too!
3 columns
2 columns
1 column