[ENG] A compliment difficult to accept.


Hello Steemit community !! In this post I confront the idea of what is intangible beauty (not physical), I will use referential images of Steven Universe as sustenance in the different qualities of the personality.
Everything I express here is only a personal opinion.

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A compliment that is difficult to accept.

''You are beautiful''

After going through a time of ridicule and verbal abuse, the compliments start to sound like lies, it may sound silly, but it is something that really affects people. Many of the compliments that are made are received with a smile but deep down people do not take it as something sincere, as a result of having been teased in the past. Society makes us believe that there is no if not only physical beauty, but then when we grow up we realize that there are other intangible characteristics that can determine that something or someone is beautiful or not.


So where can you find someone's beauty?


In honesty

Although the fact of what sincerity implies can hurt many times, this action is always appreciated. Honest people are usually those who help us move forward, those who admit their own mistakes and those of others, if we surround ourselves with people with these characteristics we have the opportunity to improve in the things we do daily, work, study, etc.



In intelligence

One of the things that I consider most attractive is the intelligence of a person, which has nothing to do with the word '' cult '' because there really is no "uneducated" person. Everyone has intelligence in a certain subject, and when we meet someone with whom we have common tastes and knows so much about that thing that we both like, something inside makes a '' click ''. Better called as platonic love, (platonic love is not the love towards someone who does not carry out) I learned that the platonic love is that attraction for the intelligence that another possesses.



In purity

I refer to the characteristic of not having malice, although it is something impossible, there are such pure personalities that seem unreal, the people who are always willing to help without asking anything in return, who are there whenever someone needs them, who sometimes are Abuse targets, other people often take advantage of their innocence, and even if that happens, they are still the most transparent and sweet people in the world. This applies to our pets too.



In perseverance

Has not it happened to you that you know someone who is always persevering? That quality is so beautiful, it is contagious when we look at someone who always strives to get what he wants and finally achieves it. They are those who make us believe that dreams come true.



And finally in the personality

Personality is what makes us unique, as a mixture of ingredients (qualities) that in their final product; a cake (our personality) is made something with a unique flavor.

We leave a different memory, I could even say that a different smell (when a smell reminds you of someone), in the personalities, enter all the above-mentioned characteristics.

What I am sure of is that each person has a bit of kindness, honesty, intelligence, purity, and perseverance, everything depends on their interests. Each person can be beautiful since there are a million other qualities by which someone can be considered beautiful.

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Thanks for be here!
Twitter: @ilhuna_
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Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhunaphoto/
©2018 María Zerpa


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