Infinite, Limitless Light - A Bit of Insanity Based on Real Events.

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Infinite, Limitless Light

“I feel flat.”
“I feel utterly flat.”
Oddly, she understands exactly what Ethan means.
She feels nothing and glances over at the shirtless, scrawny man.
One of his eyes appears much larger than the other as he slouches down on the torn up couch, staring blankly ahead at the candle that is placed on the floor.
After what feels like an eternity, Ethan rises and appears to float across the room as he mumbles something in reverse.
Time slips away and the next thing she is aware of is an orange slice in her mouth along with all of her fingers.
She is now activated and feels everything.
Too much, actually.
All her senses are on fire.
She is buzzing wildly.
She looks over at Ethan with wide, wild eyes.
He is once again slouched down on the couch.
He has melted into the couch.
He is the couch.
She starts laughing maniacally at the thought of her imaginary friend transforming into a couch and bends over from laughing so hard.
As she rises, she looks straight ahead and her eye catches the candle flame.
Her hair has fallen in front of her eyes and there are now individual streams of light seeping through each separated strand of hair, slithering into her skin.
Thousands of infinite light beams are now attaching themselves to each individual hair follicle on her head, sinking and clinging to her skull.
She can feel them painfully boring through each pore like tiny daggers.
She is now hysterical as the light beams begin to pull her off of the couch toward their source.
She digs her heels into the ground but she is slipping.
She has nothing to cling to, not even reality.
As she is being pulled toward this source of infinite light she realizes that her resistance is as meaningless as her life.
She is now off the couch in full fight or flight mode.
With every last ounce of strength she has, she flings her head backwards.
A scarlet feeling of pure agony overtakes her as every hair on her head is simultaneously pulled out and her mind rushes forward into the void.
She turns toward the entity that was Ethan and screams “HELP ME!”
But, there is no Ethan.
There is no room.
There is only infinite, limitless light.


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