My thoughts on Write Club

I’ve been asked what Write Club has done for me over the last sixteen weeks and I’m tempted to be less than charitable. I’m tempted to say that it has made me loathe deadlines and committees even more than I did. If that’s even possible given that I despise both with a passion that is exceeded only by my hatred of the entire British establishment. But I won’t. Because Write Club taught me something early on in the game before a publisher could do it to me further down the line. Unless you’re Stephen King, J.K. Rowling or Dean fucking Koontz you will be dropped like a hot potato if you miss a deadline as a new author.

I want to succeed. I have a deep seated need to join the ranks of authors that have changed the hearts and minds of their readers. Writers that have left a legacy of tales that enhance and enrich the lives of people for generations to come. I can think of no greater gift to leave my wife, my children and those that had faith in me, than my thoughts spread across thousands of pages of beautifully written prose for them to immerse themselves in. That is the legacy that I work towards every day.

How does Write Club come into this?

My characters are stronger, my story lines run deeper and my descriptions are elegant where once they were clumsy. My opening scenes hit hard, my fight scenes hit harder and my characters’ dialogue is rich and natural.

I now write quickly and regularly, almost habitually. Whereas before I wrote only when I could grasp the muse. Now, I sit down at my desk and the muse comes to me. My stories almost write themselves.

Speaking of which, I have a portfolio of short stories to sell or to use in an anthology.

I have a product.

I have friends that can help or be helped at the click of a button.

I’d have chewed my pinky finger off at the knuckle and mailed it to Jordan had that been a requirement of membership.

Write Club is no walk in the park. It’s a gruelling 16 week marathon and it’s utterly uncompromising. Competence is its minimum requirement. Marketable works and professionalism are its rewards.

A new Write Club starts in May.

So, what the fuck are you waiting for?


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