Relatos cortos / Short Stories / #1


Below the part in Spanish is the translation into english.


Bitácora de un Explorador

"-Y estaba ahí en la cima, con el viento que azotaba mi cuerpo fuertemente, el sonido del agua de la cascada hacia de música de fondo, al mirar el horizonte dos cielos se encontraban. Esa noche las estrellas se veian tan cerca que si alzaba mi mano sentia que podria tocarlas; el olor de la fogata me hizo sentir nostalgia y ella me embriagó. Desee una cama y un baño caliente, por desgracia mi papel toalet se habia mojado en la caminata de subida y mi mejor opción serian hojas de plantas cercanas.

Hubo una ocasión cuando fui scout y me ocurrió lo mismo. Yo tendría unos 12 años, no le conté a mis dirigentes del movimiento Scout y usé hojas cualquiera, resultó ser que era hiedra venenosa y me hinché. Fué la primera vez que me monté en helicoptero.

Sigo recordando y el tiempo que tenia sin tomar un lápiz era suficiente como para que entre linea y linea que escribo me duelan las manos, valió la pena probar ese tiempo subiendo la montaña con un charlatan cuyo pseudónimo es silencio, un caminante apodado cansancio y el leve recuerdo de la pizza.

Apagué la fogata, me encaminé a la carpa y justo antes de entrar me di la vuelta y admiré de nuevo el cielo estrellado curiosamente sin luna. Recordé todas mis noches Scout que a pesar de que no fueron muchas fueron úni...."

Pero antes de terminar el relato el hombre fué interrumpido por un dolor punzante en el pecho.

El chico que estaba escuchando el relato asustado saltó de su acogedora cama y de un paso llegó a su padre, sollozando intento lanzar un grito llamando a su madre quien entró en pánico apenas se percató de la situación para cuando la ambulancia llegó a la casa el padre y esposo ya habia fallecido.


Blog of an explorer

-"And I was there in the top of the mountain, with the wind whipping my body, the sound of the waterfall was the soundtrack, I was looking the horizont and two heavens could find each other. That nigth I saw the stars so close that If I raised my hand i felt that my hand could almost touch them; When The smell of the fireplace makes me feel the nostalgia and her took over me and I wished a bed and a hot bath, unfortunately my toilet paper had wet in the walk and my best option was leaves of plants nearby.

There was an occasion when I was Scout that happen the same thing. I was like 12 years old and i didn't tell nothing to my scooters and I use the leaves that I found out. It turned out to be poison ivy and I swelled. It was the first time I have a trip in a helicopter.

I kept remembering and the time that I had without takin a pencil was enough for between line and line writing to my hands to hurt. It worthed to taste that time climbing the mountain with a chatterbox whose pseudonym is silence, a walker nicknamed fatigue and the slight memory of the pizza.

I turned off the campfire, I headed to the tent and rigth before entering I turn around and admire once more the starry sky curiously without moon. I remembered all my Scout Camps that although there were not many, they were uniq..."

But before finishing the story, the man was interrupted by a stabbing pain in his chest.

The boy that was listening to the story jumped out of his cozy bed scaried, in one step he came near his father and crying he try to scream calling his mother who panicked as soon as she realized the situation. When the ambulance arrived at the house, the father and husband had already passed away.


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