The REAL Reason Why I Joined Steemit – Monthversary on Steemit!

Happy Monday my dear friends!

Today is my 30th day on Steemit, as it’s been such an amazing first month. I’ve learnt SO much using this platform, met many great talented people and had so much fun. This is by far the best online community I’ve ever been. I hope to grow alongside Steemit and with all the amazing people I’ve met. Thank you so much for appreciating and commenting on my posts. I’m extremely thankful for all the comments I’ve been getting.

To celebrate my Monthversaryon Steemit, I decided to write a post about the real reason why I joined... Get your piece of cake and celebrate!

Image from Unsplash

I know what you may (or may not) be thinking – “Oh she joined for the money, of course.” Well, to be honest, that’s a motivation, but it’s not the primary reason, nor the secondary… Money is just a good differentiator when comparing Steemit to the other blog platforms out there.

Explore My Hobbies

I always liked to write, natively in Portuguese. When I was younger, I used to write poems and texts just for the fun of doing it. I would keep them for myself and maybe show them to my parents, who would proudly read it.

As I grew older a lot of it faded away. I still liked writing but adulthood got me way too busy to write just for fun. When you’re too focused on your career, sometimes your other passions get neglected. Although I can’t say I have everything I want out of my career, I can say I’m in a comfortable position to where I can dedicate some free time to explore my hobbies and share them with the world.
Isn’t Steemit the perfect platform for doing so?

Image from Unsplash

Inspire Other People

I have a lot of good days, but I have a lot of bad days too. I’m very self aware and not very confident. When I’m feeling down, I like to watch movies, TV shows and YouTube videos that make me feel better. I get motivation from people that have been through the same things that I have.

So what if I could do the same? What if I could write about my feelings, and maybe someone will relate to it and feel better? That would be awesome. Maybe I could inspire other people, or maybe just cheer them up. If my posts can make someone happy, even if it’s only 1 person, I’m the happiest person.

I was mesmerized when @vesnapv read my post about Saudade and wrote her own take on it, in this post. I read somewhere that @maverickinvictus might wrote about it too, so definitely looking forward to that! THIS is what I love about this community.

Train My Written English

As I mentioned before, my native language is Portuguese. I realized Steemit, at the moment, is mostly English written, though there’re posts in other languages. I work for an International company so I speak English on a daily basis.

I thought writing posts would help me to develop my written English as well as narrative construction. I have a few ideas for fiction stories, which I’m working on and really want to put it out there!

Image from Unsplash

Engage and Meet New People

In such a short time on the platform, I’ve already met so many great people. I consider myself an introvert and not the most sociable person. The internet is a magical place where we can find minds that think alike and enjoy chatting, without the anxiety of talking to someone in person. It sounds awkward, I know!

There are also so many talented people that I’d never be able to meet if it wasn’t for this community, so extra points for it.

Be creative. Enjoy The Ride!

I’ve always liked to be creative and express feelings in texts, stories or poems. Steemit is a platform where I can put my thoughts out there, get feedback, inspire/get inspiration and even get some $. What else could I ask for? J

What is/are the real reason(s) you joined Steemit? Would love to know!

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