Game of Thrones Writer Gives Away Free Fantasy on Instafreebie

When I left Telltale Games to focus on my own epic fantasy and urban fantasy novels, I wasn't sure where to start. I published the three books in the Falls of Redemption trilogy, but wasn't sure how to market them. Along comes Instafreebie, a wonderful site that lets authors give away their books for free (or for email addresses - the reader joins the mailing list).

What's the advantage here for authors? You find new readers. You give away the first book in a series, or maybe a portion of the book, and hope readers will love it and buy the rest. But most of all, you get email addresses, which means you can start connecting with those readers on a personal level. Build up your thousand fans by giving more freebies, sharing behind the scenes information on the development of your books, and maybe host giveaway contests.

So that's why I've decided to post my work on Instafreebie, and offer an EXCLUSIVE book launch to my Instafreebie readers.


The book I'm launching through Instafreebie is called DEATH MARKED, and it's the first book in my Modern Necromancy series that I wrote with coauthor Michael La Ronn. We're doing the exclusive launch there to build up a following, and then releasing it onto Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.

Here's the book description, for anyone interested:


He wanted to bring his fiance back from the dead. If he's not careful, he'll join her.
Rohan Evans's world was turned upside down when he lost his fiance Senna in a tragic accident. He misses her so desperately that he’s resorted to the dark arts to bring her back.

Frank Altemus is a doctor with strange connections to the occult who promises to revive Senna from the afterlife in exchange for Rohan’s help on a “special” expedition.

To Russia. To rob an ancient temple with a dangerous secret.

Rohan had no idea what he was truly signing up for. But if he wants Senna back, he’ll have to make a deadly sacrifice.

Death Marked is the first book in the urban fantasy Modern Necromancy series. It’s a fast-paced chase around the world that will keep you on the edge of your seat and fear the dead.


Find out how this book launch went by staying in touch at

You can find my Falls of Redemption Episode 1 and Other Stories free fantasy here, and soon find the link to Death Marked:

Available on Amazon:

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