Should STEEM Users be Able to Upvote Their own Content?

The Upvote... A show of support, acceptance and here on STEEM: a way to get paid.

But at what point does upvoting your own content become needless or frowned upon?

Sure, when your upvote is worth a fraction of a penny it may not seem like a big deal..
But what about when your upvote is actually worth real money?! What of it then?

Should we be able to Upvote our own Content?

Now I'll be the first one to admit it, Every single post I've ever created on the STEEM network I've thrown my own upvote at.. But was I right to do so? This post serves to debate this.

Depending on what social media network you're familiar with self upvoting or liking is viewed in different lights, for example:


You'd rather be caught dead than upvoting your own posts. Self liking on facebook is viewed on their network as about the most desperate and ridiculous thing a user can do. Your mom or grandma liking your post is only slightly less embarrassing than self liking on Facebook...


By default when you post on Reddit you upvote your own content. It's not frowned upon and no one cares if you do so. Unlike the example with FB given above redditors haven't attached any sort of social stigma to self upvoting. Why? Because the upvotes on reddit aren't worth anything more than imaginary fairy farts is my guess.

How do we Determine What is Acceptable?

Simple really! As a community we get to decide if allowing self upvoting will be frowned upon in the future! The wonderful thing about STEEM is that it's future is indeed dictated by its users and witnesses which run the network.

Do you want to see change? Raise your voice and opinion and it will be heard! Such is STEEM

Please comment below on if you'd like to see self upvoting abolished or remain the same.

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