Creative Writing Challenge Day 1: Triple 7

The Challenge.

1). Go to your home library. Pick a random shelf. Take the 7-th book. Open page number 7. Find the 7-th sentence and write a short poem OR a short essay based on what you have read in the sentence. Don’t forget to take a snapshot of the sentence which triggered your creativity to write the post. Include the snapshot at the beginning of your post.

The first book I selected only had one line. The second book also didn't have a seventh line. However, thank goodness for several book shelves. The 3rd time was a winner. The book is called O Diario de Leticia by Silva Araujo. Translated is, The Journal of Leticia, or Leticia diary.

The Line is as follows:

Entreanto, para alcanar isso, ela tera de ultrapassar muitos obstaculos que a propria vida colcoa e, em cada luta, ela aprendera uma licao, que vai compartilhar com voce, para que aprenda que nada em sua vida acontece por acaso, que para tudo ha um proposito.

Translation is below....

Meanwhile, in order to achieve this, she will have to overcome many obstacles that are place in her own life, and in each struggle she will have learned a lesson, that she will share with you, so that she learns that nothing in her life happens by chance, for everything has a purpose.

This line inspired the following thoughts.

It reads like a poem. Written like a riddle...

For every season there is joy, so we are joyous. Every season there is sorrow and so we season life with the feeling. Writing is the outlet the heart speaks in absences of the voice. In this outlet speaking is in absence of sound judgement. The words we write hold meaning lost in translation. Translating struggle is a lesson we learn and choose to share. Sharing lessons to readers and writers. Readers choosing an action that writers support by emotion argued with reason. Purposed filled life is living believing reason happens for purpose, despite its' purpose, and against it's purpose.

Do you journal?

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