There was a Tom and his Best Friend

The creative Challenge is full steam ahead. Here is my interpretation of the second task.

The Rules

This is a story of a friendship, love, and drama [feel free to replace these or add more].
Everything has started [pick a time in the past when].
[Finish with]: Today Tom & Joey...

Task #2: Tom and Joey
Using the phrases below, try to build a short fictional story.

Additional notes: Obviously Joey and Tom are the protagonists. Feel free to add more characters, to include retrospection and whatever else you would like. You are totally free to write your own interpretation. Use this type of freedom as an opportunity to put your creativity under some pressure. If you'd like to present the old men in a different way, please do so.
A short story means something that is minimum 300 words.

Deadline Thursday, September 21 by Midnight EST.

The Story

Tom is still the smartest accountant in the town,

Joey is his best friend.

Tom is 94.

Joey is 95.

They both live in Cambridge Missouri and today is Tom’s birthday. For a span of 24 hours, they share the same age. This may seem silly or just smiley? Tom might say Joey is odd. Joey married Tom's’ sister, but Tom married Joey's childhood friend. I guess that makes them both odd. If that does not make them brothers, I'm not sure I know what will. The picture above is the face they make when people ask, “how do you two know each other?” Tom usually takes the lead and starts the story by saying the following.

“You see, I was an accountant in college and it was my birthday when I met Joey. On this particular day, Joey was with Sarah heading into town to celebrate his birthday. The first restaurant was blocked off because the property caught on fire. Joey and Sarah ended up going to a nearby pub with friends. It was getting late and karaoke was going strong. During one of the songs, we met and he met my sister which started the flow of endless shots. I fancied Sarah and quickly learned Joey and she were just friends. I asked her to sing with me. She decided to freestyle and ended up telling us about the building that caught on fire. Keep in mind, they learned about the fire after 12 shots of something or rather. Sarah and I sang an interesting duet.

“The song went something like this.

““We went to this place and thought how great! Let’s have french fries, beer, and burn down the place,” sang Sarah. Shaking my head wondering if it was true, I shouted, “WE DIDN'T KNOW IT WOULD HAPPEN SO QUICKLY!*”

“Sarah, huffed, puffed, and continue to sing. ”French fries again, plenty more beer, and what do you know! I knocked over the candles.

Still shaking my head in disbelief, I tried to find a rhyme to continue this crazy story. So I said, "Down from the table, right over the bagel!*”

“Laughing and swaying, Sarah continued. "Down from the table, right over the bagel, and then it wasn't so playful."

The song continued, but the story came to a sudden halt. Joey interrupted by farting while sitting at the park bench. The smell was painful and of course their wives walked by and gave them the look.

They would have finished the story, but you could tell by the looks on their faces there was just no coming back from that.

The end..

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