Silence in Time - a sci-fi thriller short story. Chapter 1.

 Silence in Time: Chapter 1

W, a woman in her mid-thirties, is a master assassin. She is in her bunker - a quaint, remote dig in - in the countryside. Despite the quiet, the bunker is a deadly place. There's a cornucopia of weaponry, all packed within a tight space. Not a single piece of equipment is destructive or explosive, however. It's just an array of silent and stealth weapons - silenced sniper rifles, hallucinogens, silenced pistols, plasma and smoke grenades, and so on. In the corner, there's a wardrobe of disguise - dresses, masks, hair and make-up.    

W is dressing up in casuals, the target is to look like the Average Jane. It's the kind of get up that will allow her to blend in very well - be completely inconspicuous.    

She is assembling a silenced pistol. It's an improvised device cobbled together from different parts - she has built it herself. It's not something mass produced at a factory. She leaves the bunker, out into the open. It really is a rural area, with no signs of civilisation in sight. She test fires the pistol - it's deadly and precise, and completely silent.   

Hours later, W checks into a hotel, wearing the same dress. It's very late at night - the hotel is practically empty. Despite this, no one notices or stops her, in part due to her confident demeanour. She rides the elevator up to the fifth floor.   

On the fifth floor, she waits till she spots the hotel housekeeper walking down the corridor. She engineers an altercation, dropping her purse right in front of the housekeeper, and bumping into him. During this brief moment, she deftly steals the steward's access card. She apologizes and walks away - the housekeeper is none the wiser.    

This grants her access to all rooms on the floor. W heads towards room 515 and uses the housekeeper's key card to enter the room, in absolute silence.    

A man is sleeping - he is the target. W breaks out an infrared camera to verify. She takes out her silenced pistol, aims at the man. She holds for a moment, contemplating her action. She is about to pull the trigger...   

...but suddenly collapses to the ground. It's as if she fainted out of the blue.    

(to be continued)   


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