A time travelers universe: the other side of the coin, a short story of fiction

I suddenly felt so very sick in my stomach, and that feeling was there again, that pull was taking me one more time. To land me in a world much more different than this, where I was standing in the middle of a stone road, the environment strange, but somehow familiar. I knew for a fact that I had never seen the houses or the cars before. But still, I felt like I had been here in the past.


-- She is waiting for you, madam.- I was startled by a man behind me, I hadn't noticed him before.
-- Who are you? Who is waiting?- The confusion was evident in my voice, I made a step forward just to stumble up in what I was wearing. I looked at myself, at a golden gown on my body, and realized, I was in control this time, I was in my own body, I was making the movements.
-- I am to escort you to her, you have a meeting to attend.- I was confused, still shaking from the memories of where I had come from, I followed, though, it seemed like the only thing to do now.

I would have assumed the environment I was in, for a Renaissance town, if it wasn't for the cars. Once in a while a vehicle or two, that resembled Tesla, passed by us on the street, they had this modern vibe about them, tainted windows, sleek exteriors. The cars were the only things that gave me the proof this wan't the past, though. All the buildings had weird, individual styles, all the streets were made out of stone and didn't have a lot of space on them, expect for the plazas appearing every so often.


The houses seemed recently built but in styles that were used centuries ago, each and every building had at least three floors, they were all thin and some shared walls, but looked completely different from each other. I had trouble with my dress at first, but I somehow managed to forget about it as what I saw around was something I had never seen before.

The walk wasn't long, but it seemed like forever until we got to a pier that opened a view of the sea and I suddenly realized why the streets seemed so familiar, this city, this place, I was born here. I would never be wrong about it, I knew this place so well. Where there used to be our house was one of those tall buildings, a complete rebuild of what used to be once. My companion handed me a newspaper, I guess it was meant as explanation. May 18, 2074, 50 years from where I lived now.

-- She is waiting for you upstairs.
-- Who?- I felt like I knew the answer, but I wasn't ready to believe it yet.
-- You.


I felt the need to move forward this time, I felt the pull again, a different kind of pull. Rushing into the house, passing a doorman that pointed towards the stairs, I went as fast as I could. I had underestimated of how many floors the building had, I passed the second and the third before reaching a door that called to me. This unexplainable feeling was guiding me. I took a breath and barged in.

There she was, a woman with gray hair, sitting behind a desk, writing something. I made a step forward and she looked up at me.

-- So I see you found me, you must have questions about this.- She didn't look eighty, she looked younger, she moved slowly, exuding strength and calmness, using hand gestures that were so familiar to me.
-- What happened with the war, what happened after it? What happened with us?- That seemed the only question worth asking right now.
-- There was no war.
-- But... I don't understand, I saw it.- I was confused beyond measure, I had seen it, it crushed me.


-- I did too, I had the same experience you had, and when I saw what I saw, I swore I would never let that happen to me, I would never become a killer in somebody else's war. I did everything in my power to change the world, others might find it silly, but I had seen things that I didn't want anybody to experience, all the blood, all the bodies, I didn't want to become that person without a soul. We always have a choice and I made mine that day, when the first jump happened to me. I fought and I won, there is really no limit to the strength and power we have, the limitations are only in our head. I found like minded people and I worked harder than life to achieve a better future than the one I saw, and I did it. You can, too. You will need help, but in the end of the day you will realize that you are more powerful than what you saw, that you can fight in different ways, with no violence. It took me to see my future to change it. We are one, you know that by now, there will come a day in the future when you will come to yourself and ask for explanations, do yourself a favor and help as much as you can, the future is what is at stake.

Whoosh, this is the second part of the dream I had, in part one there was nothing the heroine could do, because she wasn't meant to, she just had to see what a dark place future could become. In part two she ventures even further in future and is presented with answers from her future self. We are what we choose to be, we can change the world if we don't become careless by-standers.


I hope you are having a great day and I wish you an amazing life,

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