3 Writing Hacks Every Steemit User Must Know!

While any monkey could roll over keyboard to type random words, it takes a lot of things to carefully craft a post that would be appreciated by readers.

As you have been writing on steemit from some time, it might have happened that you have spent hours writing and editing a post, still it doesn't get the desired results you have expected.

While the success of a writer depends on the amount of time spent on writing, there are few tricks that every writer use to make high quality posts.

Image Source: Pixabay

So I will show you 3 such tricks that will help you write better articles.

1. Clickbaits.

Image Source: Pixabay

A lot of bloggers use clickbait for unethical purposes. It is a trick of using splashy headings while the content is completely irrelevant to the heading.

Most clickbaits are catchy and provocative headings that user find difficult to resist but often have little or nothing to do with the title. But using clickbait with relevant content could be very helpful to the writer.

You may be outraged at how easy it was to get you to click on this article.

The title of this post was somewhat clickbait. If I have used "Know 3 easy steps to improve your writing" or "3 things to grow you as a writer" fewer people might have clicked on this article.

Every successful writer will agree that clickbait might be annoying but it works.

So, whether you say it a quality title or a clickbait, you have to work out a line that reader can't resist himself from opening the post.

2. Quality.

Image Source: Pixabay

Every established writer will tell you one line,"Quality is the king".

The quality of a post depends upon three things: flow, quantity, and matter.

Every sentence in your post must be in flow from starting to end, i.e the reader must not have any difficulty reading the whole sentence or paragraph in one go.

So how to check if the sentences in your post are in flow or not?

Simply read out loud each sentence of your post. If you could read easily, your post is in flow otherwise you have put some wrong words or excessive commas in it.

Also Hemmingwayapp and Grammarly are two tools that could be used to make easy sentences along with a grammar check in your post.

Along with this, your post must contain some quality knowledge, facts or any other information that must be useful to the readers in some way so that they will also be interested in reading your next post.

The quantity of words in your article must not be too long so that reader may loose interest in between. While it is advised to keep the paragraphs short, the length of article must be a little bit long.

But you should not write random irrelevant words in order to make long articles, a 3-4 paragraph quality article is better than 2000 words. An average good quality post has about 1600 words or maximum read of 7 minutes.

3. Credibility.

Image Source: Pixabay

Research has shown that if you back up your writing with credible sources and facts, your posts will do better.

Like if you write about cryptocurrency analysis, back up those articles with actual graphs from coinmarketcap or coingecko.

You have seen a lot of people use source in their posts. These mentioned sources increase the trust of readers in what author is saying and increases the reputation of author.

You could try it yourself, if you make a post about some breaking news which is unbelievable to most of the people, they will question you if it is true or not. But if you have mentioned some high reputed source they will only be shocked to hear that but will still believe you.

In some cases if you can't use any credible source or fact, you could use an example as I have used above. It will have the same effect.

So from now on, if you use all of these three things in your posts, you could sense better results yourself. 

Do tell me if you have achieved some success by using any of these tricks.

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