The Wizards betrayal – A Concept Fantasy Story - Part Seven

Cont. from Part Six

Nathan was dreaming again, but it didn't feel like a dream...was he dead?

He felt strangely happy…there was no more pain, his wounds were healed. He opened his eyes to find he was standing alone in an open outdoor clearing, surrounded by a large forest, the stars and moon overhead, the cool night air on his face.  

He moved his right arm, yes! it was working again and he was no longer thirsty, he felt strange.. It was like he was in a dream, but it felt so real?

The strangest stars and planets lit up the heavens and the strong moon light shone on the surrounding plants and trees, they almost seemed to glitter in reaction of being touched by the light. A gentle mist seemed to cover everything and it too seemed to have a strange glitter reaction with the light.

Clearly this was a magical place and he had the strangest feeling he wasn’t alone. 

“Hello…is there anyone there?” he spoke quietly and in no particular direction. 

His body tensed, he could see movement and from the darkness of the woods a figure emerged, it was the outline of a woman coming towards him through the mist. 

She seemed to glide forward, her body only partially revealed...   She was stunning, her hair long wavy and blonde. Her oddly green colored clothes hugged her perfectly sculptured body...She was amazing and he felt an instant attraction like nothing he had felt towards someone before.

“Master.... I am here to serve” said the woman in a clear voice with a pleasing tone to his ear.

Completely taken back he wasn't sure what to do, he considered his next move for a moment.

"I’m sorry I don’t know you....I’m not your master” replied Nathan, he felt a little uncomfortable about his attraction, but his training kicked in and he pushed this to the back of his mind.

The woman smiled gently and moved closer toward him...her movement’s alluring, his admiration growing. 


As she approached the moonlight cut through the mist and revealed the curves of her body and  the true extent of her beauty, she was wonderful to Nathan in every possible way.

He tried not to stare, but she was so strange and wonderful.  He gasped and admired her beauty,  amazingly her clothes seems to be made of plants and vine, or was that her skin? There was something unusual about her a kind of feeling of...Magic!

“Where..Where am I?” asked Nathan, trying not to stare and regaining his composure.

“This is the Augra!” The Woman replied quietly,  her voice soft and instantly putting him at ease

“Augra? I have no knowledge of this name.. and who are you?"

"I have many names, but my last master knew me as Sharee" the woman seemed to move closer as she spoke, almost floating on air. He wondered was she spirit, demon or real?

"Is this some form of illusion?or is this part of me now having fire ma..”

Hearing the word fire seemed to make Sharee flinch,  she quickly collapsed to the ground in front of him, leaving him unsure how to react.

“I’m sorry master, but you don't have fire magic, you have instead absorbed a different type of magic"

"What kind of magic" asked Nathan scratching his chin,  now feeling unsettled and even more puzzled.

"Well, its an inferior form.... in your tongue they call it Nature magic” replied Sharee, remaining on the ground and speaking as if a servant to a king.

“I’ve never heard of any magic except fire magic”  he replied softly.

Feeling uncomfortable with her on the ground he offered her a hand and gestured for her to stand up.

She looked up with a kind of sadness in her eyes “that is because It hasn’t been used for over 200 years!... and  you are now the only living creature to possess it!".

Cont. to Part Eight here

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