Vestuario panama

Panama is a country that is located in Central America and is characterized by a strong Caribbean influence that makes it one of the most joyful and peaceful places to enjoy, this description can be seen in a very special way in the typical dress that the Country has designed taking into account its strongest and most important points to be embodied in the garments, the woman of Panama enjoys having blood of celebration and happiness, without leaving aside the elegance that is part of every lady of this country.


With the intention of representing the suit, consists of a dress composed of two pieces that is characterized by being all white background having details of another color to choose but that is contrasting, the decoration is basic which means that it has simple ornaments that Constitute a better appreciation of the design of the suit, at the top it is possible to observe that the woman places a mantle above her neck that works as a simple structure with the same decoration and details as the dress. Volatiles that increase their volume a little.

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