Personal Blog - 001 - A Puzzling Start... 5000 Pieces!

So #dolphinschool has finished and I've begun trying to bring order to the chaos that has been my steemit blogfeed. The two most important things I've learned about this platform is that,

a) you should work hard on producing quality posts that people enjoy reading, and
b) you should be patient and not give up, with regular posts, and without spamming.

An annoying aspect of the platform I've run into, however, is that there are certain times, probably when traffic on steemit is high, that leave me without bandwidth (whether I've been commenting a lot or not), and thus I am unable to post, comment or even upvote anything. Frustrating to say the least!

Anyway, in trying to bring order, I've come up with the following agenda...:

  • Monday: Photography
  • Tuesday: Poetry
  • Wednesday: Art
  • Thursday: Writing - Controversial
  • Friday: Art
  • Saturday: Writing - Personal Blog/Fiction
  • Sunday: Contests/Miscellaneous

I realise today is Monday and thus supposed to be photography day, but I'm not one to always follow the rules, especially not my own ;P ...

Something else that I realised the last 10 days is that Steemit can really take over your life. My wife complained several times that I'd been spending too much time in front of the PC. In trying to think of something that could draw me away, I remembered the 5000-piece puzzle sitting in the cupboard since forever.

I had been waiting to move to a bigger apartment to have the space to build it, but yesterday, I thought screw it, moved the living room around a bit, and got busy:


Can you guess what the picture is? ^^ ...

I will be posting regular as-we-go progress shots =)

On puzzles: They are just about one of my favourite leisure activities. It comes in at a close second after reading. I absolutely love putting on some music, drinking red wine, and sitting for hours, slowly building in the picture, piece by piece. It's positively therapeutic...

5000 will be a record for me. The largest before this was a 3000-piece of my mother's of a Nordic castle.

What are some of your favourite leisure activities?


Thank you for your upvote 💖
I appreciate it more than can be expressed in one line at the end of a post.

A few recent posts of mine:
An Ethereal Flower - Gallery: Designs | Symmetrophilia - Gallery: Fine Art | I don't Believe in God(s) - Why do You?
If you'd like to support me further, or follow me elsewhere, I'm on these social media:
Patreon | Instagram | Facebook

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