WHO READ THIS WILL DIE (Read about 5 minutes, I challenge you to read it)

Very good afternoon, for those who do not know me I am Marram, for my friends I am ... well if I had they would decide XD

Since they have come here I recommend you read until the end, from there you will see that the title does not lie about this post.

Initially this is not a story, nor a "curse" that I am making you, so I do not want to start raining threatening messages, demands, girls ... Ok girls could rain.

This post is my opinion and point of view of the "damn chains" circulating on the network, also serves to inform all those who wish to know a little more about the subject.

Before you begin, where does this custom come from?
It is not really known which was the first chain sent, but what if it is known that was created even before the time of the Internet or even the industrial revolution, since these were sent to write manually written in letters form.

Well, it is not surprising that all this existed knowing that they did not have Facebook to get to see memes, they had to find something that would serve to waste time and annoy all at the same time ... what a sad time to be born, as I pity them .

It is said that one of the original ideas for the creation of these letters comes from one of the 5 books of the pentateuch, (for those who do not know, are the books written by God, found in the bible) but exactly Apocalipsis, 22 : 19 'And if any man takes away from the words of this book, God will take away from him his part in the tree of life and the holy town, even the things which are in this book'. In other wwords, if you change the biblical texts, you will be punished.

Having this as a basis, why not add more flavor and change the punishment for something more palpable?, yes, with this in mind made the punishment is something easier to see in our world (deaths, amorous disappointments, among others ) And with a time limit to cause more terror has created the perfect combination to annoy.

With the invention of elements to multiply them massively, starting with carbon paper, and then machines, these chains became a real headache, to the point of prohibiting the sending of these letters in some countries.

Continuing with this technological breakthrough, we reached what would facilitate even more this ... the internet, and thanks to the innumerable teasing and rat kids that flood it, these chains continue to wreak havoc.

Knowing the background I explain the reason for this post:
Today I received a chain, and I am up to ******** of these chains.

Whether you are a believer or not, upon receiving one of these chains doubts about whether something could really happen to you, is there perhaps some unknown entity for humans that takes care of hurting us by ignoring?

Although people believe that I know everything, the answer to that question I do not have, there are really things that humans do not know, and there is a possibility that something like that might happen. Luckily I am someone who lives life to the limit and I do not mind receiving one of these chains.

Another thing I want to say is that almost all the chains that arrive are inspired by fear, with respect to death, amorous disappointments, punishments, unemployment, that are going to fall your *****, why the creators of these Chains wished so much the evil to the people ?, would not be better if they said nice or pleasant things ?.

Now, looking at it from another perspective, if there are chains, there will be anti-chains, something like "if you send this to someone you will never win the lottery", or "I do not know who you are, but I will find you, I will find you and kill you." ... a moment, I find familiar this sentence XD

Well, in conclusion, and as a personal commentary to all the trolls who create these chains, do not waste your time on these things that already many do not care, and if they do, contain good things to inspire us to share.

As you could see is not a chain or anything, I just made this text because I have tired of these things on the internet, and as an engineer I love it, I have almost all the information in the world at my fingertips, if I want to talk to Someone to the other end of the world, I do, if I want to see porn ... sorry, I meant documentaries, I see them.

Remember, Marram has told you, a person who instead of wasting his time making a chain to forward it to everyone, decided to create a post to be forwarded to everyone and remember the fragility of human life. XD

By the way, about what I said at the beginning (Whoever reads this will die), I must tell you that it is true, if you are reading and understanding this you are human, and there is no human of which it is recorded that he has never died. The details of your death are left to life, destiny, and to religious, God.

Until next time ... if we are still alive XD





[Image from internet, autor Unknown]

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