Seeking Creative Steemit Friends

I'm looking for some creative writing friends to have fun with around these parts.

A while back I was on a site similar to Steemit where people shared posts on whatever topic they wished. While I was there me and a few others managed to create a group of friends to have writing fun with. The site we were on wasn't designed to sustain itself though and shut down with no warning so I lost a lot of my writing friends.

At some point while I was on the other site I created a story about a fictional diner that I ran. My username back then was littleblacwolf10 and I wrote from the perspective of a wolf....(yeah I know. Sounds had to be there.) Anyways, I'd write my friends into stories of adventures that took place in my fictional diner and my friends would write their own stories. At the end of the day we'd have a bunch of stories making up one big story. It was a lot of fun. We would create writing challenges for one another where one of us would come up with a scenario and we'd be challenged to write a story or poem or something to see what we all could come up with. We'd swap advice and help when people had ideas for things they wanted to write. It was fun and I loved writing. And I loved finding new creative friends to enjoy swapping stories with. I loved logging on every day to see what new work my friends created and to create my own.

I'm looking for others who like to have fun writing. That's the reason I came to Steemit was to just have fun writing and sharing stories with other people. So far I'm writing but finding people who want to interact with is a bit hard. I don't know if I'll ever have another fictional diner (maybe a fictional bar if I found the right friends) but I would like to do some writing challenges and find others who write fun stuff.

Below is I'm sharing one of my fictional adventures I wrote where my friends also wrote their own stories to join in.

Celebrate National Wonderful Weirdos Day!

Tuesday September 9 is National Wonderful Weirdos Day and here at my virtual diner we are going to celebrate with a party! Who cares about being normal. Normal is boring. Life isn't interesting unless you've got colorful people in it. Now there is a national holiday to celebrate being different. <

Tomorrow is the perfect day to dress weird, talk weird, or go out and do something crazy. If you want to celebrate Wonderful Weirdos Day then come on down to the diner, join the party, and share your story of what weird and crazy things you are up to in life. Use the tag +Wonderful-Weirdos-Day if you decide to write your own post so everyone can find it. The person who shares the most interesting tale or trait of how they are weird or what rule breaking you are up to in life will get a free virtual National Weirdos Day t-shirt!!! I designed it myself. Are you up to the challenge of having a weird day? Anyone is more than welcome to join in on the celebration. I know the virtual world is full of unique characters so share you wackiness with us!

A Picture of My Fictional Diner and my wolf character dressed up for Wonderful Weirdos Day....sounds crazy...but had to be there. It was fun.

So can anyone point me in the right direction of some fun writers who I should check out? Anyone up for some writing challenges or fun fiction?

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