Writing Fiction a novel - Exclusive for Steemit - Diamonds and Deviants 6

Diamonds and Deviants

This picture my own - others from Google Free to use images

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Her instincts took over and everything slowed down. She heard the soft click of a weapon being discharged and the harsh whisper of a bullet travelling down a silenced barrel.

She ducked and the world resumed its usual pace. She spun around in a crouch and saw movement in an alley on the opposite side of the road.

The would-be assassin stood with his mouth open in shock. He had not expected to miss such an easy target and he didn’t even imagine that she would have spotted him in the darkness of the alley.

He turned to run but even then it was too late, far too late. He had underestimated his target on too many levels.

Celtica Diamond dodged cars to cross the road with no apparent concern for her own safety. She left behind her a lot of close calls and near misses as the cars miraculously avoided each other in their attempt to miss the lunatic that had run into the road without warning.

She grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and propelled him further into the alley using her momentum. She slammed him into a row of refuse bins and knocked the wind from his lungs.

She held him off the ground and waited until he regained his breath.

She was about to ask him a few questions but he began first. “How did you… how could you… what?”

“How did I manage to dodge that bullet?” she completed his first question. He nodded and she realised that he was under the influence of some kind of narcotic. He would be no use to her, he was human and another in a growing collection of disposable hit men.

“Oh that part was easy,” she said in a sing-song voice.

As she was keeping the human occupied, she sent out her senses to feel further down the alley for the accomplice or supervisor.

When she had a location and a scent on the other, she decided to play a few mind games with the human. It hadn’t been one of his better plans, getting stoned before carrying out a hit on someone, but she understood that it was possibly the only way that some humans could perform such a cold-blooded murder.

She began to sway from side to side, like a cobra with hypnotise its prey before it strikes, giving him the chance to become motion sick, then she added a bobbing movement.

She could tell she was having some sort of affect on him because his eyes became wider as she moved and when she leaned back and then jerked forward at him at speed, he screamed.

His instincts were shot to hell because of the narcotics she could smell on his body, his arms didn’t move from his sides to protect himself. Then she caught the distinct and disgusting stench of his bodily functions doing their own thing and his bowels emptied.

“You filthy creature,” she said in the same sing-song lilt. “You kinda know you’re in big trouble now, don’t you?”

He nodded and began crying.

She lowered him down to his feet and let go of his collar. Without her to hold him up, his knees gave way and he slid to the ground to sit in his own waste.

She took a step away from him and resisted the urge to scent the air to see if there were any others lurking in the alley, she knew there was only one making sure that the stooge didn’t fail.

She looked down at her leg and realised that the car drivers hadn’t been quite so fast in their reactions. She’d been hit by one of them, her jeans were ripped at the side just below her thigh.

She snarled and her true nature came to the fore.

The wreckage of humanity sprawled on the ground before her took another disbelieving look at her as her features altered.

He could see the skin ripple as something under it moved. It seemed to his mind that she had parasites running under her skin and he screamed again.

She smiled down at him as he finished screaming and she knew that there was no way he was going to be able to answer her questions. She took hold of his head in one hand and twisted it sharply all the way around. The snapping of the bones and tearing of the muscles were loud enough to her hearing. She grinned at the death rattle that was cut off deep in his throat and she jumped away from the corpse and ran further into the alley.

Away from the stench of human excrement, she could smell the accomplice clearly and recognised his scent print from earlier. He had fled, he was not under the influence of any narcotic but there was something not quite right about him. She ran faster than any human could, sniffing the air as she went.

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