Five minute free write - Dreams

My flower 5.jpg

Another day, another Five minute freewrite

Held by the amazing @mariannewest. Today's was dreams. I smiled when I saw this prompt. I slept like crap last night, mind filled with an energy that refused to let me rest properly. Also, I was sore as heck from a martial art I recently started. A combo that doesn't make for good sleep.

But, I smiled because last night despite all that, my dreams were filled with a drive I haven't felt in a while. I caught glimpses of what could be, if I just hung on for another day. Sometimes my mind shows me my deepest desires, which hurts like you couldn't believe because they feel so far away. But, last night my mind was kinder and revealed a potential path and not just the end result.

Usually I write along more somber lines, but I think I caught a more positive vibration today. I hope you feel the same way. Either way, I always love to hear what you think :)

Mist floating through your mind as eyes slowly open.

A thin tendril of what was remains shadowed in your brain. The merest of memories wagging it's tempting finger at you. But, you know if you try to follow the same path it will only lead you to a different place.

In the realm of nod we are free. Free to be who we want, what we want. Go where we will, do what we wish. The only catch is that we have no control. The double edged sword of going to a place where we have complete control but yet are not in control.

It's a part of our brains that we know intimately

That fuels our journeys into that magical place. We feed it everyday with our lives. Each moment driven deep into the cores that will later serve as the base for our nightly adventures.

The more we do, the more we see, the more we think, the farther we can go. Explorers in a realm of our own making. For better or worse, it is in many ways up to us to decide.

How we spend our time feeding that thing that will take us into the wonders of our own mind. Positive, negative. Hopes. Fears. To it they are all the same. It has no opinion on what it eats. It only knows where to take us based on what we give it.

Will it be a monster that takes us to terrifying depths. Or an angel that swings us high into the clouds.

I hope you enjoyed reading today's free write as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Like I said, I'd love to hear what you think. I'm always trying to get better and figure out how to put words together in a better fashion. Written in the dreaded Most Dangerous Writing App

Hope everyone has an amazing day!

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