Bet You Can't Make Me Laugh


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if you can make me laugh. I have been through Dmania all day and nothing made me laugh. There are MEME reactions of bitcoin price drop and a kid with a green T-shirt with his fist up but none of these make me laugh. I heard every joke. I can hardly get a smile out of any post. As for jokes they are either too dirty or too stupid. I really can’t find much good humor these days. And believe me this is the place we need some humor.

Stressed out?

There are some stressed out hypersensitive people here. I'm not going to name names because I am afraid their great SP may smash me to pieces and play with me like a toy mouse.

Need a good laugh?

Anyway we all need a good laugh. When I say “good laugh” I mean a nourishing laugh that is healthy not sick. It is clever joke but simple enough for a child to understand.


One of my favorite comedians is Michael Jr.

He sees life from a comedian’s perspective. There is a setup and a punch line. For a long time he did comedy to get laughs from people but that was just the setup. He learned later that the punch line was to “give” laughs to people especially to people who usually cannot get any laughs.

He had to be funny immediately

He went to places like homes for abused kids and maximum security prisons to tell jokes. He talks about the first time he walked into a maximum security prison and the guard took his belt off. He said, “What are you doing taking my belt off? I don’t want to walk into this prison with my pants loose.” The guard told him the prisoners might use the belt to hang him. That's the situation he was walking into. He knew he had to be funny immediately but he had nothing.

A captive audience

He needed a joke right there under pressure but he had nothing. In his head he had a good joke but he couldn’t say it, “You guys look like a captive audience.” Then the guard led him through door after door. There was no stage and there was no glass between him and the prisoners. He couldn't tell them jokes on the other side by phone. He was face to face with the prisoners.

Pull this pin

The guard left him alone with the prisoners and said, “pull this pin if anything goes wrong.” The prisoners were all there staring at him wearing their pink jumpsuits. He definitely wasn’t going to say anything about that. But he had to say something on the spot or they would riot.



He had nothing and then inspiration came to him. Standing right in front of him was a prisoner with a white beard named “Moses”. He said, “Hi Moses. I want you to go right up to the prison ward and look him right in the eye and say, ‘Let my people go.’”

Under pressure?

How could he get that joke under so much pressure? It was because he had been doing it all his life. He grew up with a reading disability so he had to look at a word in seven different ways before he could get its meaning and decipher it. This was a disability that gave him strength to look at life from seven different points of view. This is what makes Michael Jr. funny. His weakness became his strength. Instead of getting laughs he gives laughs.

So far the only people as funny as Michael Jr. are my own kids.

Kid: Dad... All spiders have six legs, right?
Me: Yes.
Kid: Then why does Spiderman have only two?


Kid: And dad, why does Spiderman shoot webs from his hands?
Dad: I don’t know.
Kid: If he was a real spider he would shoot webs from his butt.


So why is it that no one can make me laugh?

I love everyone of you following me and reading this.

I ask that just one of you please make me laugh.

What’s in it for you?

If you make me laugh out loud:

I will go to your blog and upvote 100% and comment and resteem one post.

If you make me smile:

I will visit your blog and leave an upvote and comment.


  1. No dirty jokes
  2. Keep it PG (acceptable for 12 year olds)
  3. Unappropriated images or language will be flagged.
  4. The winner will be a joke I have never seen or heard before.

This Poem is @orignalworks @mineopoly

A Smile
A smile is worth a million dollars
No plastic surgery can fix your face in a real smile.
A real smile adds laugh lines to the side of the face.
These are the lines of joy
The smile that comes from the good stored up inside.

A pure laugh comes from a pure hear
A joke that hurts also hurts the listener
But a joke in good heart brings joy to the soul
A healthy joke brings a healthy laugh
And laughter that brightens my day

A loud laugh brings cardiovascular satisfaction
In my time here please help me be elated
If not then we are just staring at the electrons sedated
Please make me laugh

  • Please post something that will make me laugh in these comments.
    If I laugh out loud I promise to visit your blog and upvote 100% and comment and resteem.




make me laugh!!

Post in the comments

Remember the Rules:

  1. No dirty jokes
  2. Keep it PG (acceptable for 12 year olds)
  3. Unappropriated images or language will be flagged.
    The winner will be a joke I have never seen or heard before.
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