Temptations - An epic Love Story (Chapter 1)

This is my latest story tryings. I will, in the next few days be posting chapter by chapter.It is an epic love story. So it should take us probably upto 5 or even more chapters to completion. You can be sure after chapter one, the story will gather pace.

Meanwhile there may be or may not be, long breaks between chapters. I really don't have the story line already worked out, and will only be writing as it constructs in my head. Hopefully those breaks are not too long, and the story doesnt wander too far, that i am unable to complete it!

Chapter I - Decision Time

Anna had just drifted off to sleep, when a hand tapped her awake.

“Hey”, Nikolai said, “Sorry I woke you up.”

“It’s okay dear,” She mumbled, squinting, and rubbing her eyes. They would need a while to adjust to the lamp light.

Meanwhile, the Clock, leaning off an open bible on the tripod table adjacent the bed, read a few minutes past midnight. She had only a while ago left Nikolai in the living room watching soccer.

She now assumed he had come to bed. Pivoting by the elbow on the pillow, she pulled back toward the wall end. But Nikolai instead moved closer from the other bed, and taking her hand, spoke. “I have something I want to tell you.”

Still foggy from sleep, he continued in her silence. “I am thinking we could go on vacation tomorrow”

Those words came to Anna like thunder. And at once dispelled all sleep and lethargy. Vacation? Tomorrow? She wasn’t sure what to think, much less what to say. And it had all come too fast. Fortunately, she didn’t have to speak, yet. Nikolai wasn’t finished, “I have booked to Ssese Islands”, he now concluded.

Anna was stunned, as much by the very idea of a vacation as by Nikolai’s timing of it. It was such a long while since they had been to one. And now would they go, only days after he got his first job in the insurance company?

Her obvious surprise was of course not lost on Nikolai. Try as she did to remain calm, emotion was betrayed in blushed cheeks as much as it was in a stuck tongue. Nikolai knew her all so well to see what was coming next.

He moved to save her, a thin smile breaking through his lips, as if to say he understood. “It is okay,” he whispered, stroking her cheeks to wipe the tear that, just as he had feared, broke off her eye, “This is long overdue.”

She fell into his arms.

Long overdue? The heck it was. Nikolai meant it.

There comes a time and a circumstance in every man’s life, when he must choose between which bridges to burn and which to cross. And when you are 30, that decision itself is long overdue.

Marriage is one of those circumstances. Whom do you settle down with? Whom do you propose to, and walk down the aisle?

And depending on how you have managed your relationships until then, who do you let go? The philandering has to stop. Which connections do you sever? Which circles do you opt out of? Which bridges do you burn?

It is time to grow up. Time to build family. And the first step is to consecrate the relationship.

For Nikolai, that time had come. And the choice of a woman he wanted to bear his children was finally made.

It had taken him a while to decide, several months of mulling over the future, but mostly the past and its ghosts, it’s what-might-have-beens. And what a past! And the ghosts!

Follow along for Chapter II. You can be sure the twists will start to come in!!


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