For The Different Monster - Chapter Nine

Before you go any further, please start from the beginning

Prologue Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight


The next three weeks seemed to fly by. Brooke and Adrian spent their time visiting the popular tourist spots. They found their own little quiet place behind the Riverwalk; an isolated bench facing the Mississippi River where they spent their time in a comfortable embrace talking and dreaming of what the future could hold. Thoughts of school were vanquished from Brooke's mind, all she could think of was him and how he made her feel; like the only girl in the world. Their time was that of a fairy tale and neither one of them wanted it to end.

Three nights before Adrian's flight, sitting on their bench, watching the sunset after another incredible day, reality hit Brooke and a sudden sorrow shook her. She grabbed his hand and held it tightly, "Our time is almost over."

He continued to watch the ships passing down river, took in a deep breath, "I'm not so sure about that, I kinda like it here. I'm thinking a change in scenery may be in order."

She smiled at his words but had other thoughts. She's never been out of Louisiana and there was nothing left for her here. She wanted her own change of scenery but didn't want to rain on his parade. He was surprised by her reaction, he expected a little more excitement, "Uh oh, is the honeymoon over? Already?"

She looked at him and smiled, "No! No I'm sorry. I was just thinking. I would love for you to move down here."

He heard the words but noticed the change in her voice, "I'm not so sure about that," he reached into his pocket, pulled out a penny and handed it to her, "Penny for your thoughts?"

She took the penny, "I have enjoyed every moment with you, I don't want this to end but..."

To lighten the mood he covered his mouth with his hand, gasped and said, "Oh! Don't tell me, you're a dude!"

She laughed and playfully hit his arm, "Adrian! I'm trying to be serious!"

He made a gesture as if he was zipping his lips closed and motioned for her to continue. "I was... I was just thinking that maybe we could get away from here, but I totally understand if you want to stay. I was just hoping that maybe we could go somewhere else."

He gave a coy smile and tilted his head to the side and the tone of his voice got a little higher with each word, "Do you have a place in mind my little swamp lily?"

She giggled and adored the pet name, "Not really, I haven't given it much thought until this very moment. But if you are talking about moving here, and you want to continue whatever this is we're doing, then why couldn't we do this somewhere else. Like maybe... your place? Or maybe we could go somewhere neither of us has been? Just anywhere but here."

He furrowed his brow, "Brooke, are you sure you want to leave your home?"

She looked down at her feet, "Well, Adrian, excuse me for answering a question with a question but, what are we doing here? I guess I should probably think about this a little more, but all of this depends on if there's an us. I have loved our time and I want to see where this will lead. What do you want?"

"I want you, Brooke. I don't know how this will turn out. After a while, things may change, but I've never met anyone like you and I'd like to take the time to get to know you. The decisions are yours. If you want to go to Bumfucked Egypt, then that's where we will go. And if at any time you want to come back, tell me."

Brooke gazed out to the river and got lost in her thoughts. She knew this had to be a dream. In what world does this stuff happen? And to her of all people? Men like Adrian don't exist. Oh! But the way he looks at her; she wanted him, all of him, but she was terrified. Maybe it wouldn't happen again. If it does, maybe she can learn to ignore it. He's been such a gentleman, but there's something mysterious behind his dark eyes and his devilish smile.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Adrian clearing his throat. "Brooke, where do you go? You're always spacing out on me."

She placed her hand on his inner thigh while staring into his dark eyes and gave him a wry smile as she answered: "Wouldn't you like to know."

Adrian feigned awkwardness as her hand moved up between his legs, he glanced around as she, with determination, added more pressure to get her point across. He looked back at her with his devilish smile, even more alluring, took her by the hand and she followed.

They took their time walking through the city to get back to Adrian's room and before reaching the bed & breakfast they paused, he turned to face her, "Brooke, we don't have to do this if you're not ready. There's no need to rush."

She looked at him without saying a word, he could see the desire in her eyes and knew her answer. She ached for him, for his touch and the warmth of his breath on her skin. She wanted to explore every inch of his body as if she were reading braille.

Upon entering the room and locking the door, they wasted no time in making their way straight to the bed. Adrian had already removed his shirt and was working on the button of his jeans, she turned around to watch him approach. Their eyes met and there he was, standing bare-chested in front of her. Her hands reached out and lightly raked her fingertips down his chest and she unzipped his jeans. Slowly kissing down his chest she pushed down his jeans revealing his perfect masculine form.

He put his hands on the sides of her face and planted a kiss on her so deep that she forgot she had knees and became putty in his hands. Slowly he undressed her, tasting her exposed skin along the way. He picked her up providing comfort in his effortless show of strength before laying her on the bed. Their eyes locked for a second, he kissed her neck, her heart raced in anticipation for the next. In contrast to their beating hearts, he slowly made his way down and up her body, planting perfect, soft, warm, wet kisses causing her to take even slower and deeper breaths, her eyes closed amplifying every firm touch of his hands and lips.

Writhing in ecstasy, each discovered the other until Brooke could take no more and she surrendered to him. She was his puppet and he knew exactly what strings to pull sending her body into orgasmic convulsions. He took profuse pleasure in orchestrating her euphoric state and she adored that he was her puppeteer.

They spent the rest of the evening intertwined until their bodies were exhausted. He laid beside her, still breathing heavily and in a low growl, "Mmm, my little vixen, that was unexpected." He sat up, leaned toward her, kissing her shoulder then gazed into her eyes, "You are stunning Brooke, I'm the luckiest guy in the world."

She blushed and smiled and felt the same way but remained quiet, relishing the dreamlike state. The only thing she wanted at that moment was more of him, climbing on top and leaning forward to kiss that devilish smile she knew that it was time for more, she could feel it, and this was going to be the best round yet.


Dear Loyal Readers,
I hope you have enjoyed reading Chapter 9. Please stay tuned for Chapter 10. I apologize for it taking a while to get this chapter out, life has gotten busy but I'll be working diligently to get the next chapter out soon. Special Thank you to my girl @tamala for her mad editing skills and my boy @penderis for helping with the difficult parts of this chapter. You guys rock and I love you both.

Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments as I love hearing what you all have to say. If you would like to be added, just let me know and I will be honored to tag you for the release of each new chapter. Thank you for all the love and support you've shown since starting this journey with me.
Thanks for stopping by y'all!
Love, Monch


ā€¢ @dreemsteem ā€¢ @andysantics48 ā€¢ @kiwideb ā€¢ @enginewitty ā€¢ @tamala ā€¢ @andywong31 ā€¢ @megiscrafty ā€¢ @penderis ā€¢


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