Creative Writing Challenge: Task #5: Lost Memories

Creative Writing Challenge Task #5:

Take a look at the pictures below. You wouldn't believe it, but what you are seeing is something I have spotted on the street next to the rubbish container. Initially I just passed. I was astonished 'how one could throw his memories?' Then I was suddenly stricken by the idea... what if... then just got back, grabbed them and here they are.
Your task is to write a story that connects the two images.


    Whispers and murmurs.

    Laughter down the hall...a familiar voice, but I can't quite place it.

    The sound of curtains being opened and sudden blinding light invading my slumber.

"Mrs. Humphries? Mrs. Humphries?

    I ignore the voice, it's obviously for someone else.

"Mrs. Humphries...

    I feel someone touch my arm and shoulder, pulling me to sit up

"You have some visitors."

"You must have the wrong person....I'm not Mrs. Humphries!" I exclaim, but as always, my protests go unheeded. I swat at the grasping hands," I can sit up myself!"

I try to glare at the man, but it's mostly a squint due to the sunlight streaming in through the windows. It's always so bright this time of day, that's why I like to keep them shut! But there's nothing for it, so I look to the so-called visitors here to see someone else.

I see a woman; she seems pleasant enough with that smile pasted on her face. And she has a child with her. Well, she is a cute one, isn't she?

"Hi Mom," says the nice looking lady. "We wanted to come and see how you were doing." She walks over to me and gives me a hug. Why are people always touching me without my permission!

"Well," I blurt out, "I'm sorry you've wasted your time. Your mother's not here. Is your mother Myrtle? She's in the bed next to mine." I point to the empty bed as I look over, noticing that strangely there are no sheets on it. "...or was." I'm a bit puzzled, where did Myrtle go? And why doesn't her daughter know?

The woman gives me a smile that doesn't seem happy at all, the kind of smile someone gives when they don't want to cry, trying to keep the corners from turning down. She turns to look at the little girl, who is holding something in her hands, and nods.

The girl approaches me with wide eyes, and holds out the thing in her hands. It's an envelope that's covered in little unicorn stickers and crayons drawings of rainbows and flowers. I slowly extend my hand and take the envelope, looking into her eyes.

She does look familiar, I'm sure I've seen her from when they visited Myrtle before.

I look at the envelope in my hands, and it says in big blue crayon, "GRAMMA."

"This...this is not for me, but I'll pass it along to Myrtle for you," I say gently to the girl. She looks hesitantly to her mother, then back to me.

It's...for you. I found it! I was playing in the attic and found all of these old dresses!" she gasps "They were so pretty! White lace, and there was one with yellow flowers - that was my favorite! And even shoes to match!! And then there was this shiny yellow purse, and I opened it to put in my pretend lipstick - because I was going out on a date with Daddy! He said he'd dance with me..."

Her mother clears her throat, "Addison, dear, tell her what you found," she says patiently, knowing, it seems, that this story is about to take a long tangent if she doesn't interfere now.

"Oh! And IN the purse, were these two pictures!" She points to the envelope in my hands. "But they weren't in the envelope...I made that," she giggles.

I look once more at the envelope. Well, I guess it can't hurt to look, though I don't know why she'd go through the trouble of making me this pretty drawing. I pull back the flap and pull out two photos. They're old, black and white, one with 3 young ladies - wait, isn't that Sadie? and...Patty! Wow, those were the days! We were at Hammonasset beach the summer of our freshman year in college. And that's where I met...

I look at the second picture. It's a class photo. I know this place...And I see him. Sitting down in front in his nice pants''s Alfred! Oh, he was so handsome! When I saw him in Economics 101 I just knew I had to get to know him! And I can't believe I was so brash as to go up to him after class and ask his name! But, I'm glad I did. I remember...

I remember...

I remember...

I look up at the woman, still standing there watching me. But she's blurry. I realize that I'm crying. I remember! This is my daughter, Lisa!

"Oh," my voice breaks, "Oh, Lisa, I remember!"

Lisa sobs and embraces me again, and this time I don't mind. I don't mind at all.

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