Creative Writing Challenge - Task #6 - Promises in the Night (What if...)

For @steemfluencer's Creative Writing Challenge, Task #6, I decided to go a bit more poetic.

Here's the description of the task:

Write a 'What if...' story that develops gradually. Try reaching as much stages as you can, but don't be a perfectionist. Anything beyond 10 stages will be considered as unnecessary. The goal here is to help your creativeness expand to new level through a chain of related аssumptions. What's doesn't look as possible at the very appears like quite probable at the end.

So I thought about times when I've woken up in the middle of the night, and my mind was racing, thinking about the "what ifs" of the day - the problems that I couldn't solve before going to bed, and that would be there waiting for me in the morning. Even when things are going well, my mind likes to look for the "what ifs," as if it can't be content without a problem to worry over.

My what-if's still attack me now and then, but I have a source of strength in Jesus, my comforter.

So here's my submission, a series of what-ifs in a person's life and God's promises that puts all of these worries to rest. Some of text is paraphrased from the English Standard Version of the Bible.

Fulfilled Promises

What if there’s a boogieman in the closet tonight?

                  Fear not, for I am with you.

What if Billy takes my lunch tomorrow?

                  Turn the other cheek, for vengeance is Mine.

What if I fail my math test tomorrow?

                  Trust in Me and lean not on your own understanding. I go before you always, a pillar of fire at night, and a cloud by day.

What if I don’t get accepted into college?

                  Do not place your trust in man, who can be fickle, but trust in My perfect purpose for your life.

What if I didn’t work hard enough to earn the promotion?

                  Unless I build the house, those who build it labor in vain. I am a Good Father who gives Good Gifts to his children.

What if our daughter is born with a disability?

                  I am always with you. I will guide you and go before you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be consumed.

What if we can’t make the mortgage payment?

                  It is through this trial that I have planned for you a greater blessing. I work all things for the good of those to love Me and are called according to My purpose.

What if my daughter doesn’t come home?

                  Fear not, for I am with you. I will strengthen and uphold you. Under my wing you will find refuge.

What if my wife leaves me?

                  Though she may leave you, I will never leave you nor forsake you.

What if I can’t walk anymore?

                  The grass withers and the flowers fade, but My word stands forever. I neither slumber nor sleep. I am always with you.

What if my family doesn’t visit me anymore?

                  Fear not, for I am with you. I will sustain you in your illness. I will set you feet upon a rock.

What if tomorrow is my last?

                  Be not anxious for anything, for tomorrow will have its own trouble. You will be in my arms.

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