Creative Writing Challenge - Task #6 - What if...

What if you had just spent the better part of three days putting in an herb and flower garden right outside the kitchen window?

What if you were reading a book and saw something out of the corner of your eye walking through your new garden. Delicately moving from one tender morsel to the next?

What if you realized it was a deer looking you square in the eyes without the least bit of fear, continuing to fill her belly on your freshly planted greens?

What if you wanted to startle her, so you open the door, clap your hands and jump around causing a commotion. As if it is some cruel trick for yelling at the deer, you twist your knee falling to the ground.

What if it is so painful that you drag yourself back inside crying for help to no one there?

What if you make an appointment with an orthopedic doctor that tells you the only solution to make your knee well again is to operate and make a new tendon?

What if the only option is having surgery on New Years Eve weekend? So you do. But the anesthesiologist ties the tourniquet too tight leaving it on your leg for an extended length of time.

What if you are sent home that Friday afternoon with your partner and have no way to get from the car to the house because you are too doped up. You call a friend to help and they carry you to the bed.

What if the next day your leg turns the color of an eggplant and you are feverish, realizing something is terribly wrong and it happens to be New Years Eve.

What if you get to the emergency room and the doctor tells you that you have a blood clot that is traveling toward your lungs. They rush you to the the ICU and tell you most people with a blood clot this size don't live. What if you don't?

All text owned by @mother2chicks

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