Second Creative Writing Challenge: Task #2 | Friends for Life

Good lord Joey do you realize just how long we have known each other? It has been more than fifty five years. We met in 1967 during that outdoor concert. Can you believe it! You were dancing at the front of the stage with "Linda" while I was smoking a joint, getting into the music. You had a lot more hair back then come to think of it, but so did I. Did you ever think we would live this damned long? Neither did I.


How long were you married to "Linda?" Ten maybe twelve years. The two of you sure did make some pretty boys together. Too bad she was such a whore! Oh quit defending her Joey! She was as much to blame as you were for that split. The two of you were like oil and water. All mixed up.

I never have seen a woman who worked as hard as Linda. Didn't she work for the school district until she retired? They must have used one of those giant catapults to get her out of there. She hasn't been the same since they retired her crazy ass. She sure likes to drive that husband of hers crazy. She never could sit still, kind of like a fart in a girdle always floating around the room. Joey smiled to himself as he reminisced.

No wonder you decided to stay home and raise the boys. Otherwise they would have been homeless! You were a good father Joey, getting them off to school every day and packing their little lunches. Rusty would follow you around like a puppy. If you mowed the yard he would be right there helping you to push. You got those 4 beautiful grandchildren too. You sure are a lucky man. I took care of your family taxes for all these years.


Nobody ever knew, but I did. Somewhere in her heart Linda must have known too. You would roll in the door every couple of nights stinking of booze and cigarettes at 2 o'clock in the morning. What is a man to do after staying home all day with the kids? You got to have a little fun. She was a pistol that Linda. She would have you licking her boots by the time she was finished with you.


Remember we were at "The Peacock" when I finally got up the courage to ask you to dance. Thank goodness you said "yes." It was all I could do to keep up with you, I was determined not to let you out of my sight. By the time the DJ put on the song "It's Raining Men" I was head over heals about you.

You gave me a nice long kiss that night. I never thought you would call me, but the next day you did. I hope you've never regretted it after all of these years together. The guilt was terrible for a long time. Your family, the boys all of the adjustments, giving up so much for me. I have never felt worthy. You never asked anything of me, just to be there when you wanted a companion. It was such a small thing to ask. So selfless. You will always be the love of my life.

Don't be afraid. I am right here beside you my Love.


All text is owned by @mother2chicks

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