The story of Mr. M. Nur A wise teacher

One day there was a wise teacher who had 3 best students, he gave a question to his students. This question is a very important question for the three students, because the answer to the question determines who will be the right person to replace the teacher. The following is the Story of a Wise Teacher and 3 of His Disciples!

The story of a wise teacher

In a village, there is only an old wise teacher, He is looking for someone who can replace him to be able to continue to be a teacher to teach goodness to his students.
There are 3 best students chosen to become potential substitutes.

In choosing who deserves to replace the wise teacher, the 3 students are challenged by the teacher to answer a question. The question is "What is the meaning of wealth for humans?"

To answer that question, the teacher then invited the three students to go wandering in search of answers to these questions.

After 3 years of wandering up and down the mountain through the village to the village and also from city to city to find an answer given by the teacher, the 3 students finally returned. Because now it has arrived for the students to answer the question from the teacher.

Then the teacher invited the students one by one to give answers to the questions that had been given.

First Student Answer

The first student answered:
O my teacher, after 3 years your student is migrating, I think the answer to the meaning of wealth for humans is the root of evil. On the way, I found many people who were willing to do various things to gain wealth.
They commit a lot of crimes with cheating, doing tricks, robberies and even they have the heart to commit murder to get wealth.
And even after they have gained wealth, many of them then use the wealth they get to do various deeds that are not good. Many of them use this wealth to gamble, get drunk and commit adultery.
O my teacher according to the conclusion of my observation there is not the slightest good of wealth ".

The Teacher:
Oh your observations are really very interesting to my students. Then what do you think we should do?

First Student:
In my opinion humans must distance themselves from wealth because wealth is the source of evil.
So that we can always be close and also remember the Almighty God, we must live away from wealth.
We must always draw ourselves to the Almighty and leave worldly bonds like wealth. Because we need to purify our hearts by leaving things that can make our hearts turn to other than God Almighty. "

The Teacher smiled and then said:
You really have the glory, O my student. I am proud of you.

The Teacher:
Second student! now is your turn, what is your answer to the meaning of wealth for humans?

Second Student Answer

The Second Student replied,
Teacher's Apology, I have a different opinion from what the first student delivered. During my trip, I have met many kings and their wealthy merchants are truly generous teachers.
They use their wealth to build places of worship, support orphans, they feed and build shelter for the poor and they also help people who are in distress.
They have been looking for a lot of wealth, then the wealth is used to do a lot of people. So in my conclusion, that wealth is the source of goodness, because with wealth can make people bring good to be able to give and help people who are experiencing distress.

The Teacher:
What an amazing observation my student has. Then what do you think we should be able to do?

Second Student:
I think that seeking wealth is important to humans.
Because when wealth has been obtained by humans, then of course humans can lead a better life, with this wealth he can do good things, he can send his children to get a good education, he can also worship calmly without having to think about lack of money to eat his family, he can also use the money to help families, give charity and also help fellow humans in need.

Therefore, humans cannot live in poverty. We must strive with all our abilities so that people can gain wealth and be free from poverty.
That's my opinion, Teacher!

The teacher smiled and said: "You are the ocean of wisdom, O my student. I'm really proud of you! "

The Teacher then turns to the Third Disciple:

Third student! Now it's your turn. What do you think about the meaning of wealth for humans?

Third Student Answer

The Third Disciple also said,Teacher, during wandering the journey I have met many rich people who are kind-hearted, but many are also rich people who are evil.
Students also meet good-hearted poor people, but there are also many poor poor people.
Students also meet rich people who are devout and always remember the Lord, but there are also rich people who forget God.
Like rich people, students also meet many poor people who always remember God, but there are also poor people who forget God.

The teacher smiled:
So what do you mean by my students, what is the meaning of wealth for humans?

Third Student:
In my opinion, it turns out wealth is just a tool. Because basically everything will return to man himself.
Man who has a good purpose in life, of course, will use that wealth as a tool for him to realize goodness.
And conversely, when humans do not have a bad goal, their wealth will be used for things that are not good too. Such is the student's intention, Teacher.

The Teacher:
Then what do you think should be done?"

Third Student:
Man must know where he is going. By knowing where he is headed, whatever he has in this world is a tool, not a destination. Including wealth.

The Teacher:
Then where is the human being headed?

Third Student:
Man is a creation of God Almighty. Therefore, it should be the impression that all humans are headed. If humans have realized their purpose, then the wealth they possess can be their vehicle to get closer to God Almighty.

But if on the contrary, of course wealth can also make people move away from God Almighty.

The Teacher smiled then said:
O my Disciple, really you are the source of wisdom and also the ocean of knowledge. Now you are a new teacher in this college.

And simultaneously the other two students, gave respect to the third student who was now elected as a new teacher in his education.

The story of a wise teacher and his three students really provides a very important lesson for humans, from this story we learn that whoever we are (Poor, Rich, Old and Young), we are only humans created by God Almighty.
What we have in this world is only a deposit, we may seek wealth but we must not forget who gave us life.

Hopefully this story is useful.

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