Shary's Writing Prompt Contest #2 - The Garden

It was cold as the very first rays of light started to climb their way through the trees.

They touched the ground near a young girl who was working the soil - she didn't notice them. Her eyes and mind, all of her concentration was focused on working the soil and getting the weeds out. Then working the mulch in. The soil had to cleared, it had to be cleansed.
So that was what she was doing early morning, every day. She was up before the break of dawn and her hands were in the soil. It didn't matter if it was freezing cold, it didn't matter if it was raining. She was still outside - clearing all of the demons from the soil and once again making it rich and fertile for further use.
Her mind wandered back to a past time, when other issues occupied her. She could see large hands reaching out to her, and hear a loud booming voice:
"What do you think you're doing in there?"
"Nothing. Just going to the bathroom."
She flushed the toilet and came out, he looked her over.
"Why were you so long?"
She looked back; he was always watching every move. He made her feel like she was under a microscope.
"It's nothing - I didn't fall in! I just needed some time." She had a pregnancy test in her hand - hidden from him.
He grunted; it was a disgusting sound that she hated but over time had learned to tolerate. Just like his bad breath.
Her mind wandered back to the present, back to the sun on her cheek and the cool, soft soil.

As the morning travelled on, she started working on a section of newly planted seedlings in seed trays - rich and moist . Beautiful broccoli - it all felt good to her. She only stopped when she had to, otherwise the day was meant to be spent outdoors.
Her mind wandered back to when she couldn't get outdoors.
The door was locked, the windows were locked and covered.
She couldn't get out then but that was never going to happen again. He isn't here now and he has no control now.
Those words keep running through her mind like a record, but sometimes they were hard to hear.

Someone approached from the house. Even though she had seen this person before, she still felt wary. Trusting is a hard thing these days. Still she knew she could trust this lady and let out a smile as she looked up.
"Not answering your mobile?"
"Sorry - I left it inside."
"I take it that's become a bit of a habit lately."
The eyes wandered back down to the familiarity of the soil.
"Have you thought about getting out and spending time elsewhere?"
"I don't want to. I'm happy here."
"Start to think about it. It's time to move on."
She just looked at the therapist and willed her away at that point. Still the therapist persisted and bit the nail on the head:
"You've been through hell - being abused and losing a child in the process. But he's not coming back - you're safe."
"Let me alter that - I'm safe here. I'm protected here. I don't want to be anywhere else because here I feel things growing all around me." The tears were coming down both cheeks.
"Just let me stay."
The therapist sighed. She looked around and realized that at least they didn't have to pay for a gardener: the place looked fantastic. Not every hospital could say that. She walked back inside.

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