NOTES FROM AN AMATEUR WRITER #43 - Seeking a Community of Writers

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Notes From an Amateur Writer

This Blog series is an exercise in creative writing. Sometimes expressed in short story form, sometimes as a journal, or just my thoughts written down. This is my attempt to help coalesce my writing ideas and knowledge into usable form. It is a nursery of sorts for the stories that are on their way, or yet to be written.

This is post 8 in @dragosroua's January 30 day writing challenge.

Seeking a Community of Authors

Are you an author, or do you have plans to become an author one day. Are you published, self-published, dreaming of becoming published, or perhaps a writer who has yet to put pen to paper? The number of fiction writers here at Steemit is growing all the time and it's difficult to keep up with the volume. I have a keen interest in following as many other writers as I can, and to try to be a part of a vibrant community here at Steemit. I think this is vital for both Steemit and for any writers here that such a community flourishes.

I know there are channels on discord dedicated to writers, and resources are being, or have been developed along this line. Some I know of, but perhaps I have missed some of those too.

I joined Steemit in August of 2016 without too much idea of what I wanted to do here. I just loved the thought it was connected to the crypto community. That's what inspired me. I saw writing here as a form of mining the Steem coin so with that in mind set to work. Initially I was very wayward, but over time I started to find my voice, and gravitated to other writers and creative and inspired people – many of whom I still follow to this day – and my writing has benefited enormously from this. Both from the desire to improve and keep going, but also from the interaction, the comments and feedback, the sharing of ideas, and the knowledge that others out there are in a similar boat to me – trying their best and learning as they go.

And that is what the purpose of this post is all about. To help expand that community even further. If you are a fellow writer here then to me you already are a kind of kindred spirit. I don't see us as being in any form of competition. Your success – if it has already arrived – is inspiration to me – and if it is still on its way then your success is something I would like to see happen as much as you do. And not just here at Steemit.

  • Feel free to share in the comments about yourself. Include a link to your blog if you are an author or are working towards that direction, or even something you have written that you feel happy about. That you feel represents who you are as a writer.

  • What do you write? Who has inspired you?

  • Do you know of any writing resources, here or on the Internet in general, that you recommend?

I am happy to follow you, although this is not a follow for follow post. I don't do those, but I am calling for writers to share, so we can get to know each other better.

Images from and used with permission.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you liked it then please like, comment, and follow.


Links to earlier works

My Fiction Writing Collection

Notes From An Amateur Writer Collection

My Poetry Collection

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