From Siberia, With Love [Original short fiction]

This is a submission for @steemfluencer's writing contest, task #6.

The rules of this challenge are to take a segment of prompt dialogue and flesh it out into a full story. (I took the original prompt dialogue and adjusted it slightly to match the formatting of my story, but the original intention is intact.)

From Siberia, With Love

“Excuse me, Charles,” Roger said. “Perhaps you could take a moment from your busy schedule to explain why I am laying in this hospital bed?”

Charles raised a brow at Roger’s tone. Although he was Roger’s butler, as had been his father before him for Roger’s father, sometimes the young man’s tone was disrespectful to that heritage. Charles let it slide this time, seeing as how Roger had been unconscious and had just awoken in a hospital This foul tone in his mouth could be ignored.
(story preview only)

3 columns
2 columns
1 column