Immortality...what would I do with it

This is not a profound philosophical reflection of the human condition. After all how can I temporal being such as myself even grasp the concept of eternity?

No, this is just a "mundane" list of things that I would do if I just had the time.

The first thing that I would do is to search for someone to share my life with. What would be the point of living if there is no one there to share it with?

I would probably learn different languages. That way I can travel to different places and communicate with other human beings.

After going around the world I will settle down in some quite an peaceful place. I would read a lot. Having a small garden is probably a good idea. I like to see things grow.

Assuming humanity doesn't go extinct I will dedicate myself to the study of nature, mathematics, society, biology (after all I am immortal and I have the time). I like to know how things work.

Eventually the Sun is going to destroy Earth. Assuming humanity doesn't do it first we will needs plan to move.

We are going to need plans to relocate to another star system. If we can find a red dwarf with a habitable planet that will be great (those can last trillions of years...compared to billions that a Sun-like star can live).

Of course even red dwarfs will die off. That could be a problem. We are going to need to find a way to harvest the Hawking radiation from black holes.

After eons black holes will vanish. At the very end of time it's going to be tough to make a living.

I guess I can't live forever after all.

Images from Pixabay

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