Chance Way - Part 1

Stylistic photo of a stone path.

“Will you do as I say?”

Foreign thoughts swarm Eagna’s mind, confusing her senses, seducing her will. “No.” She continues backing away, scanning her periphery for a weapon.

“No, come on! Don’t make this difficult.”

Eagna snorts.

The intruder sighs. “Fine.” She unties the messy bun in her deep blue hair and combs it out with her fingers. “Now— Will you do as I say?”

Eagna focuses her mind on her laboured breathing. Unrolls her sleeves and grips the cuffs in her fists. Resist. She could feel her will succumbing the idea of serving this woman’s wishes. Give in. Eagna’s eyes widen as her reply stumbles from her mouth. “I will not.”

The intruder puts on another smile and steps closer. “I’m being patient because I like you. Stop resisting.” The blue-haired creature stops a few paces away from Eagna and mounts her fists on her hips. “Ready? Will you do as I say?”

Eagna’s feet continue to carry her backwards at a slow and steady pace. Breathe. She forces an exhale. The invasion persists, enthralling her mind with delightful images of tending to this goddess who’s honoured Eagna with— Resist! Her body touches the walls of a corner. Muscles tense. Give in. “I will not!” Her words carry the sound of the pain it causes her to speak them.

The intruder now stands within an arm’s length of her prey, smiling no more. Their proximity highlights their height disparity, the intruder barely reaching Eagna’s shoulder. “If you make me work for this any more than I already have, I will not be pleasant about what I do with you next.” Her eyes drift down Eagna’s body. “I’m thinking something crude and public.” She looks back up into Eagna’s pleading eyes. “Last chance. Will you do as I say?”

Eagna squeezes her eye closed, gritting her teeth. Out. In. She forces punctuated breaths. Let it in. Eagna whacks the back of her head against the wall a few times. Give in. She resists the urge to cry, gags on her reply. “I will not.”

“Then you leave me no choice.” She reaches up to grab Eagna’s neck.

Eagna dodges, counters with a jab to the sternum. The intruder stumbles and coughs, but recovers quicker than Eagna intended with a hit that hard.

She closes the gap, blocking Eagna in the corner. Swipes for bare flesh with cat-like speed and accuracy, fingers curled like hooks instead of balled into fists.

Eagna grits her teeth. Blocks barely fast enough. Hitting the walls when dodging. Still gripping her sleeve cuffs. Avoid the skin. The intruder pins Eagna’s arms to her chest with one hand, tries to reach for her neck again with the other. Eagna pushes back. Kicks the intruder in the gut.

The intruder returns, refusing to let Eagna out of that corner. Pins Eagna’s arms to her chest again.

Avoid the skin. Eagna leans her head back, out of reach. Breaks the pin, throws an elbow. It hits something soft. An eye?

The intruder rages. Spins. Kicks Eagna’s knee. It gives out. Flips — Lands her heel on Eagna’s head.

Eagna goes down, but stops herself half way. Sees triple feet coming in for another hit. She catches the kick, yanks her attacker to the floor, and rams her fist against the intruder’s face.

Then hits her again.

And again.

And again.

Eagna pulls back to hit her once more, but notices she’s knocked out and stops.

Thank you to @jrhughes, @rhondak, and @carolkean over at the PALnet discord fiction-workshop channel for helping me flesh out this scene with their amazing feedback!

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Written by @PegasusPhysics

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