My Philosophy of Education

         Children mind is capable of improving and expanding its dimension through time and effort. Education could effect that capability for the student in a negative or positive way. Many associated factors are controlling the system of school and the curriculum, but teachers could be the key to open the door for the students to love or hate what they're learning in the name of education. The process of delivering an amount of information about a specific subject to a particular group of people is affected by the methods teachers uses to get the information through student's mind. No matter what kind of information that needed to teach to that group, it is important to consider all factors that could affect student understanding in class before worrying about the subject. Education plays a significant role in building children physically and mentally.

          The school is a second home for kids to say in after their parent's house, so if by any chance they don’t feel comfortable being there we should at least make school a beautiful peace zone for them to get some safe environment away from all conflicts. Education depends not only on the information or the teacher individually but the two combined. The process of learning needed to plans and thought of at least before it been taught to make sure that essential details have been covered by them. Teaching is much more than transferring knowledge and information; it’s a way to create a bond between faculty and students and a way to stay in touch with the outside world. Also, education decides the financial level for every individual and gives an idea of how his life in future would look like depending on the amount of knowledge he has. 

          For the sake of our children and society, we need to make sure that we have a curriculum that fits every student no matter what his nationality is. The teacher should understand the psychology of the students and their needs to form a comfortable classroom environment. In my senior year at high school, the math teacher that I had inspired me and gave me the courage to love his subject that he taught. Math was the biggest fear that I carried throughout my school process, but with his style of teaching the subject and his organized and detailed way; I get rid of all my fear in solving any problem. Putting ourselves in the shoes of others is the best way to discover what other people thoughts and need, and that what my teacher do in that class to get me on track. Teaching should include more understanding and observe for the surrounding; students need to be watched to figure what they lack to find a solution before the time late for them to catch up. Yelling as a teaching tool is a useless way to get information across children's minds; it’s more of a way to encourage them to disobey more than ever. I am starting to understand that being an easy teacher wouldn’t benefit anyone; neither students nor myself as a teacher. Being diverse in the way of presenting information is the door to find that key for becoming a successful teacher.

Thanks for reading :)

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