The Zantwagon

Remember the sheep dog car in dumber and dumber? Well, I have another idea. How about a Zantwagon – Anti Zuma Bantwagon. I bet a high proportion of Zuma haters are either currently banting, have tried banting in the past, or will soon try to bant. Not just because banters are usually white and privileged and banting food is expensive, even if you take into account that you have to eat a lot less because the food is more nutritious.  

And there may be remnants of racism in South Africa still - ya think? I don’t know if you are aware, but a long, long time ago there was this crazy thing called apartheid in South Africa. Some people would suggest that even up to this day, people of various skin pigmentations are discriminated against.  

People of certain eye colours are also sometimes discriminated against, even hair colour, but this skin thing was worse because they even used to put it into legislation. If part of the reason for abolishing apartheid was economic (sanctions, etc.) no doubt some of it also had to do with skin pigmentation proliferation. Ask me about this if you are not sure what I mean. None of if it I think had to do with moral convictions. Or maybe a little teensy weensy bit.

So, you couldn’t own a business if your skin was not a perfect royal pinkish colour. Crazy stuff.  Well, I am not necessarily an anti-Zantwagon person. Or a Zantwagon person. But I do like butter….

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