La Ciguapa — Dominican Mythology

In the land of four rivers she used to survive; a creature of mystery and beauty unpair. Said by the people who have live long that of being a creature looks she has none; under the moon night, a woman takes form. Dark hair and moonlight eyes were its armor. Shape like a marvel sculpted to perfection. Roaming the forest from the river she comes; backward feet her only deform. On to prey of men looking for action than trust.


Back then when streets were nothing but forced path, women knew that the middle of the night such creatures used to occupy. Married men were to stay home or be rendered under its spell. Creatures of this form feed from their prey's lives and the sadness of their love ones. Men taken by the demon won't be found until the morning dawn be around. Body upon perceived, dry of life and a smile on its face.

In the morning of the feed, some have witnessed an old woman running to the river, crying her heart. Try to follow and you too will be a loss, try no to look and your heart will know no love.


Written by Bilson Almonte
Based on the Dominican myth of "Ciguapa" (pronounced see-GWAH-pah)

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