Against "Delicious" and "Interesting"

The above photo is a chalk illustration I wrote while teaching oral, conversational English at a university in China. Both the title of this post, and the above photo makes me look like I am against things that are "delicious" or "interesting." Oh dear god, that is so far from the truth. Who the hell ever complains, "I did not like those  noodles in a hearty tomato soup! Why? They were delicious!" Or: "Logan was terrible film. Why? It was interesting!" That just doesn't follow. It doesn't make sense. So, why I am so dead set against these words?

I hate them as a teacher of English as a foreign language (EFL). I hate them because my Chinese students use them as crutches. I engage them in conversation, but their vocabulary is so limited, they don't really know how to say something is interesting or delicious.  My students use these words because the are extremely convenient. So, it's my job to force them to think It's my job to make them say why something is interesting or delicious.  Imagine this conversation in the class room. This actually happened, by the way ...

ME: What is your favorite food?

STUDENT: Chendu hotpot.

ME: Why?

STUDENT: It's very delicious!

ME: Oh, come on. That doesn't do. Why do you think it's delicious?

STUDENT: It's delicious, because, um, um, um, because the ingredients are interesting!

ME: Oh, really? Come one. Why are those ingredients interesting?

STUDENT: Chendu food has a lot of red pepper. It ... it is 辣 Là。

ME:   辣 Là means spicy. You like spicy foods?

STUDENT: Yes! It is most delicious!

ME: So? Why not say, "I like spicy food, and Chengdu hotpot is spicy?"

STUDENT: Yes, that is true!

ME: So, why not say it?

STUDENT: Say what?

ME: Why you like Chengdu hot pot.

STUDENT: Because it is most delicious!

ME: No, no, no, it's because you like spicy food.


ME: So, just repeat the sentence without "interesting" or "delicious." Use the word "Spicy." You like spicy foods. You like red peppers. Say that.

STUDENT: I like Chengdu hotpot, because I like hot red peppers. I love spicy food. Chengdu hot pot has a lot red peppers. This is why I love Chengdu hotpot."

ME: Thank you! Rock on, because, frankly, you rock!

And, ladies and gentleman, that is one small victory of an English teacher in China in a university classroom with one student. The small, personal, one-on-one victories -- where a student's eyes are open wide in understanding --- are also the most sweetest.

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