What I Learnt Today : 10 Unknown Amazing Facts About Animals - Part XVIII

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(1) It is much easier for dogs to learn spoken commands if they are given in conjunction with hand signals or gestures.
(2) Dogs have sweat glands in between their paws.
(3) No two tigers ever have the same stripes, and this is how individual tigers can be identified.
(4) A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long in just one night.

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(5) Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten.
(6) Goats were the first animals to be used for milk by humans.
(7) Frogs don’t drink water. They absorb water through their skin.

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(8) The scales of a crocodile are made of certain, the same substance that hooves and fingernails are made of.
(9) Scientists have performed brain surgery on cockroaches.
(10) Hummingbirds are the only birds who can fly backwards.

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Previous Episodes :
Part-I, Part-II, Part-III, Part-IV,Part-V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, Part X, Part XI, Part XII, Part XIII, Part XIV, Part XV, Part XVI, Part XVII

reference : http://www.thefactsite.com/2010/09/300-random-animal-facts.html

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