The Lost Soul. original of @ rvag5

Hello steemianos friends, with you a small narration, of my inspiration.

The Lost Soul


One day two souls who ran desperate for life, looking for their other self, they meet, they are totally different in tastes and colors, but those souls had something that attracted them, although they were totally polar opposites.

Then they begin to interact, to get to know each other until they reach intimacy, and they coincide in something their inner attraction is the flame that attracts them, they are perfect, unique, they complement each other, they share experiences, they are attracted, the one and the other know what they think , they know each other so much that it is impossible for one soul to hide something from the other.

These souls were united for an eternity, nothing separated them despite the differences they could have, they always found the balance to continue in life.

en something did not work, they talked and managed to overcome all the obstacles that could be traversed in their lives.


After many years a soul separates from the other, leaving a great emptiness, nothing could fill it, only his love for the other gave him the strength, to let go and continue without her, the lost soul, left without explaining, she separated without a goodbye, without giving the other soul the opportunity to say goodbye, she is only lost in a world, where she believes it is perfection, where she is rediscovering a new life, and the other also, so two souls are find again, and form a new life.

I'm Raquel del V.

Letters of my inspiration.

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