Secret Crimes: Episode 1 "DON’T SHOOT. I AM INNOCENT!" (Original Story)



Alabama, USA

She fell to the hard floor, hitting her head first on the dark, cold pavement.
Her blood spilled out of her body filling the small cracks in the ground around her. 

She could not believe what was happening to her. He shot her 2x.
Now she was dying, wasting away on the floor.
She tried desperately to move, but all her strength was drained. 

As her body gave in to the pain, she felt her eyes closing, then she was gone.

The policeman stood over her, still holding his pointed gun. „What have I done ?“, he said slowly turning away from her. 

„What have I done ?“

A small, shocked crowd gathered around the crime scene noisily, people constantly pushing forward. 

A tall, middle-aged man holding a black suitcase pushed his way to the front shouting, „Let me through, I am a doctor!”
When he got to the front of the crowd, he rushed quickly to the young woman laying on the floor, but he was stopped roughly by the young, white police officer. 

He shouted loudly, "Stop, nobody move!’’

He held the doctor back, firmly in his grip.

The tall doctor stopped in his tracks, thinking.
Then he pushed and struggled his way out of the young police officer`s grip. 

He ran to the young woman, and kneeled down to her. Touching her neck gently, he felt for her pulse. 

“She´s alive, thank God! She´s unconscious, but she´s alive. Somebody call the ambulance! She does not have much time.” 

A young boy shouted loudly from the back, holding his mobile phone up, “It's ok, I have already called them. They´re on their way.”

The doctor relaxed a little, reaching into his black, square suitcase. He started to nurse the young lady, turning her first on her side, so that she could breathe more easily. She was shot once in the back and again in the shoulder. She was lucky he saw no vital organs were damaged, but what of her head?

He pulled his head up quickly, turning around his body and watched and listened as more police cars arrived, their loud sirens making the small crowd nervous.

Two males from the paramedic team jumped out and ran towards him, and the female victim. They exchanged medical information between themselves, then they took over. 

He stood back, making room for them and watched them do their job. He was there to help, if they needed him. 

Poor girl. She was in safe hands now, or so he thought as he observed them carry her quickly away on the stretcher. 

Little did he know that the Danger was just beginning!

- To be continued -

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