Why are people ignoring the fact we're slaves?


                                      Why are people ignoring the fact we're slaves?

Just because they don't call it slavery, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist today! You ever look at those big building and wondered what the purpose of all of them were? Well if so, the sole purpose is to make money, from mass human farming. The world is one big system, and in today's system, we have poverty, GMO's, homelessness, malnutrition, global brainwashing, secret societies hiding the truth and misleading people and much more! The fact that these things are easy to combat, yet still exist today, means the people in control are nasty bastards that only care about themselves. The Queen own's 1/6th of the land mass on planet Earth, and what do you own? 1/6th of a bitcoin? Exactly it's ridiculous that the type of life you live, depends on the country/situation you are born into, created by these animals. You're set up to loose, and even if you're lucky enough to be born into the 1%, (if you have an English or American passport), you're still probably going to end up becoming a cog in the machine. If you're lucky enough to have one of these passports, I advise you try and live a non-conventional life, as you might get to an old age and think, fuck, why did I waste my whole life, working to line the bosses pockets with cash? When I could be spending that time on educating myself, and setting up my own business or venture. It absolutely baffles me how people can work for anyone longer than a few years. I quit my first really good job after 6 months lmao. Being an entrepreneur is a choice everyone can make, I don't give a shit what anyone else says, as long as you believe you can do something, and you want it bad enough, put in the effort and you will be rewarded. Setting goals much bigger than I think I can achieve, has been a major key in my success so far. I would advise trying this too! Feel free to comment and discus your opinions on mental slavery, as It is a completely real thing, that most people are stuck in!

@sixteen4narchist <--- Don't forget to follow this guy here, for more opinionated pieces of writing (: 

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