Sims and my love for the Butler!

Hello everyone!

I have not been feeling well so have been spending most of my time playing my legacy challenge sims.

I was talking to @simgirl about a lot of things but one was the Butler you can hire for a price (288$ per day) in the game to help manage your house once it get's larger. The first thing you do need is the Vintage Glamour stuff pack. Once you have that you will then be able to go into services on your phone and hire him/her.

The Butler just needs his own bed in the house

Before you hire him you will need to have a good bed for him to sleep in. What I'm finding out is that bed is more important then I knew! If you sell that bed you have fired your butler!! and it might take you a while to figure out where your Butler has gone off too! So buy a bed and never sell it or every time you have to rehire them you get charged 175$.

The Butler is great because he waters your plant's which is very time-consuming. To me, that is worth the price of him alone.

If you make him a good friend of the family he will do more and work harder for you. I have seen him upgrade stuff around the house and mine now will cook full meals for the family for free which saves you tons of money when you have a family of six.

They also will take the place of a Nanny for your children and keep the house clean which is wonderful too when you have a neat freak for a son.

Speaking of the son. Mac is Mamma Charlies first born that I wrote about here: And he went hunting

My house was, for me, filled up and Mamma had another child on the way so I needed to make room in the house. I decided to see how marrying the firstborn son went as this is all new to me.

Lucky for me I had hired a very bad babysitter who just followed Mac around when he was a teenager.

Momma checking out her soon to be dauther-in-law

Low and behold she popped up again when he became an adult. I then had them become friends and she called back asking Mac on a date so I let him go. It wasn't a long date but they were soulmates and decided to get married on the spot!


As soon as they were done saying their vows a window popped up asking me if I wanted to move her in with the family or did I want them to have their own place and start out with the 20,000 in cash. I took the second choice to see what would happen.

As I moved him to her side it asked me if I wanted to then play them or not. Not knowing what was going to happen I said yes. I know, it's hard to be the first born! Parents experimenting on you and all!

The New Family

The game then takes you to the map and you can pick a house for them and start playing them like any new sim you have made before. I repainted their house and got Mac a guitar. As I was logging out They were discussing where else to WhooHoo in the house.

All in all, it was good to find out how to move a sim out of the family house and how to find them a spouse!

Now The Family is down to five for a very short time.

Happy Gaming!

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