Essentials For A Writer's Wardrobe



Every writer needs a simple, black blazer. Throw this baby on and instant cool. It's classic, and will never go out of style. Been writing all day and got invited to a party? (I know, I know, this is hypothetical) Put a blazer over your stained white t-shirt and mom jeans and it's almost like you look like you know what you're doing. You can try a fitted blazer for a more sleek, polished look, or an oversized blazer for a place to hide flasks, cigarettes, your self esteem. Blazers are also good to wear when you're sitting by yourself at a bar, looking pensive and writing in a notebook. What's that person up to? Obviously something important.

Faux Fur Coat

If the blazer is classic and understated, then the faux fur coat is its loud, outrageous sister. Wearing my fur coat reminds me of 1920s speakeasies, cigarettes, and secrets in alleys at 4 a.m. Most of us writers are shy, and that's why fur is a great way to break out and feel uncomfortable. I prefer my furry blue coat, because it's unnatural and ridiculous, but any color or cut will work. Pair with Fuck Off Sunglasses and shiny black shoes to complete the look. You'll probably be invited to strange new places and make new friends. Writing inspiration. There you go.

A Disguise

I'm sure you've been kicked out of a few places, or need to sneak past an acquaintance, or into a frat party. (Not that I've ever done that before.) Or perhaps you just want to scare an ex-lover and have them never know it was you. You'll need a wig, some fake blood, and maybe some vampire teeth. I'll let you think of the rest.

Fuck Off Sunglasses

For the days when you're hungover or mad at the world, a large pair of bug-eyed Fuck Off sunglasses that hides your face and scares the locals. I prefer sunglasses that also scares my boyfriend and everyone around me. Wear them when you step off into the street. Wear them in the dark. Wear them in the bed. Cool people wear sunglasses, but you and I can pretend for a while. You'll exude an aura of terrifying mystery. People will want to stay away from you. I promise.

Writing Clothes

We can't forget the clothes that you're going to be wearing 80% of the time. I prefer to get dressed up to write, as it makes me feel like I'm "at work" more than a pair of pajamas. But dress in whatever feels comfortable - sweats, jeans and a t-shirt, a bondage harness, your dead lover's jacket. You're going to be wearing this stuff for a long time, so strap in. It's okay if they have whiskey or jello stains on them. You're an artist.

I Hate The World Clothes

These can often be synonymous with "Writing Clothes," but not necessarily. For the days when you don't feel like writing, and you don't feel like interacting with other human beings. A ripped sweater, a beanie, some torn up sneakers. Pants are optional. Whatever you do, don't put on makeup or fix your hair. I Hate The World clothes should be comfortable for you, but uncomfortable for anyone looking at you. They may feel sorry for you, but you know the truth. Nothing gets better than this.

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Self portrait by me canon t51

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