the Steel - constrained writing

"I am about to die, I am about to die" - Vanna was repeating this, over and over again. Probably even she wasn't aware that she was repeating this ominous mantra.

She was a mess. Her beautiful face ruined with black stains and fresh bruises, her lavish, expensive dress reduced to nothing more than rags. Her hair looked more like a lion's mane than a hair of a rich woman. And rich she is. In fact she is the richest person in Heraclea.


Her eyes were blank, expressing absolutely nothing - a perfect mirror for an uncontrollable fire that was devouring her private jet, and 3 crewmembers inside.
Even the the warmth of fire didn't reach her although only few meters separated them.

She continued existing in this semi-awake state for couple of hours, until she was finally able to snap out of it. She slowly regained control of her body, but her lips still continued repating I am about to die, I am about to die , for a while.
Mighty Lana Steladova, reduced to a mere castaway on some god forsaken island in a middle of a Pacific ocean. She finally stopped talking incontrollably, but her mind was only thinking of an early death. She was afraid, in shock, fightint to fully grasp the magnitude of the situation- but before anything else, she was very tired. With no more adrenaline in the system to keep her awake she fell a sleep. Tommorow she will.. she will ... will try something.

First night she spent near the crash site, because fire was still raging, and provided her with plenty of warmth during a chilly night.

She woke up with first rays of sunshine. She didn't sleep much, but enough. Vanna was now in shape to patch the pieces together. There was a plane crash, and obviously she is the sole survivor, even though she couldn't put her finger on how she actually escaped death.

Vanna is not a fighter, not even remotly, even her wealth was inherited. She has no chance on surviving on this cursed pile of dirt long enough for a rescue team to arrive. Vanna is well aware of that, and by noon after a unsuccesfull two-hour search for fresh water she accepted that this place is going to be her grave.

Sun is slowly going down, and she finds her self sitting under some odd looking tree. She is trying not to think how horrible it is to die of thirst and hunger. Instead she is thinking of life, her life.

Oh, what a wonderful life that was, filled with celebrities, crazy parties, good looking men and expensive toys. Vanna "the Steel" Steldova, richest girl in Heraclea. Probably all city now is wondering where is their uncrowned queen. When that thought passed her mind she tried to imagine sad and worried faces lightning candles in the main square. But it was hard. Faces remained without any fetaures at all. She couldn't imagine anyone grieving for her loss.

Then it hit her - "No one cares. No one will actually be sorry I am gone. Of course Steladova Inc. will organize something for her. But it will be more of a courtesy act than an act of true grievence." That idea infuriated her, because she knew it is true. After the early death of her parents 10 years ago, there is not a single person in the entire world that actually cares about her.

She is to blame. She was taught to act as a boss since she was only a little girl. It came only natural to her to see people as means and assests, and not as humans with feelings and needs.

"No one had even a slightest chance to establish a warm connection with me" - she thought. "Is that why people call me steel? "

When she thought about it, she has been all alone since that awful car accident that took her parents. She is trapped on an deserted island for 10 years now. Only thing that changed since yesterday is that now all hopes for escaping the island have disappeared.

Vanna "the Steel" Steladova. Woman who had everything, almost everything that is. She never had a friend. Now it is too late to correct her mistakes. All she wants is to show someone her human side. She needs to do that, for her own sake.

"Miss Steladova. Miss Steladova, are you felling better" - a mans voice reached Vanna.
"Is it possible? Can it be? Is my mind playing tricks on me?" - she said silently to herself.

She recognized the source of these words. It was a man who worked as a steward on her plane. He obviously had a broken leg, and was limping slowly towards her. She didn't know his name but she was thrilled to see him, to see her second chance. Her chest filled with warmth, happines and hope. She got up and ran towards him as fast as possible. She almost knocked him down when she leapt to hug him.

Steward, deeply surprised started to apologize " I am sorry I didn't come sooner but I couldn't find water anywhere" but he hugged her back. He obviously also needed this hug.

She remained silent, hugging him with all her strength. Man was clearly worried, explaining how he couldn't find anything usefull on the island after he got her out of the wreck. He was trying to say to her that there is little hope for them, but she didn't listen to him, because she was already saved.

This is my entry for constrained writing contest hosted by @svashta

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Picture 1

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