How To Become a Freelancer - Lesson 1 - Potential Freelancing Problems


Have you tried freelancing? Freelancing is a great way to make money! As a freelancer, you have the freedom to work your own hours and take time off whenever you want. You chose how much money you want to make based on how much you want to work and how much you want to charge. Of course, freelancing is not always ponies and fairies, there are drawbacks too. Here are some of my tips on how to overcome freelancing problems.

Potential Freelancing Problems

Freelancing is great, but it’s not always perfect. There are some potential problems that may arise. You should be prepared for these issues, as many of them will happen to you at one time or another.

In this lesson, we’re going to take a look at some of the biggest problems that can come up when you’re freelancing, and how you can deal with them if and when they arise so you can have a successful freelance career.


One of the biggest issues that may arise for freelancers is the seemingly constant stream of interruptions. This happens on a regular basis to almost every freelancer, and it can be very harmful to one’s motivation and, ultimately, their income.

The problem is that most freelancers work from home, and they don’t draw clear boundaries for others when they are working. This leads to people treating them as if they don’t work at all. They try to talk to the freelancer while they are working, or ask them to do things during their work hours. It’s frustrating, and it can really eat into the freelancer’s income.

One solution is renting a small office and going there whenever you need interruption-free time to work. A small, basic office can be found as low as $200 per month in many areas, and that often includes utilities.

Another solution, if you can’t get an office, is to create a private office space in your home. Ideally, this would be a bedroom, basement, or garage, but even a large closet can work.

You should also try to talk to your loved ones and let them know you need to work without interruption. This may not always work, as some people simply won’t understand. But it’s important to try.

Dry Periods

Another big problem for freelancers is the inevitable dry periods that come along now and then. It can be frustrating when you try for a while to find work and can’t seem to, and this is especially common in the beginning before one builds a good reputation.

When this happens, don’t give up! Just realize it happens to pretty much every freelancer on the planet at some point. All you can do is keep trying to find work, and make sure you keep a savings account you can use during those dry periods to pay your bills until you find more work.


A lot of freelancers don’t even think about taxes when they first get started, and then they’re in for a very rude awakening when tax time rolls around. Don’t let this happen to you. It’s a good idea to consult with a tax professional so you can learn the best ways to take care of your taxes. At the very least, be sure to read up on taxes for freelancers before you get started so you don’t end up with a nasty surprise when tax time rolls around.


That’s it for today’s lesson. In next lesson we’re going to take a look at some different types of services you could provide as a freelancer.

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