Creative Writing Challenge - Task #6 - What if...

What if I told you that Task #6 will offer you an extraordinary way to reach a new level of your creative thinking and writing.

Sounds too pretentious? Keep reading :)

Let's first quickly recap the last round: the task offered another opportunity to let your imagination go wild. People were pretty excited and some amazing stories were written.

Let's also take a moment to congratulate @mother2chicks for taking part in the Creative Writing Challenge for the first time with her submission Class of 1959 - a pretty decent attempt that take you on a short journey back in time with Penn State's class of 1959.

Few thoughts related with the challenge:

  • Title of the task: This one isn't that important, but still I'll just give you few concrete options on what you can make with the titles of your posts. Since recently I started putting titles of the challenges. What you could do is keep writing your unique titles, make the short task title part of a longer one or just use it as it is.

  • Length of the challenge: Earlier today I was thinking about the content I'll be working on after the Creative Writing Challenge. Initially I thought that it would be a good idea to take part in few writing contests. However today I was thinking about transforming the whole thing into something like a regular challenge for the people who'd like to improve their writing skills. I would really appreciate if you share your opinions about that.

  • Your own ideas: If you have any kind of suggestions on what could we improve with the challenge just get back to me with your idea.


The current prize pool is 20 SBD thanks to the recent contribution of 2 amazing personalities. A big round of applause for:

@kubbyelizabeth | @cristof

They have both contributed with 5 SBD and the current prize pool is already 20 SBD. Well done guys!

We are still looking for sponsors. If you are looking to support a Steemit initiative then the Creative Writing Challenge might be among the best options you have. This type of challenge isn't just a game to have fun with. Participants are being challenged every single round and they often feel inspired about what they are doing. More and more people are noticing what we are up to and new participants are joining the format. Our current sponsors are both active challenge participants.

Let's now see what the next task will offer you:

Creative Writing Challenge


The background story:

As you already know, today I was thinking about the future of the Creative Writing Challenge. I told myself: What if... it turns into a regular format with seasons. And then quite unexpectedly BOOM! I caught myself thinking about the what if phrase itself. I thought, why not suggest you guys writing a what if story.

After some tweaks here's how the final version of the task looks like:


Write a 'What if...' story that develops gradually. Try reaching as much stages as you can, but don't be a perfectionist. Anything beyond 10 stages will be considered as unnecessary. The goal here is to help your creativeness expand to new level through a chain of related аssumptions. What's doesn't look as possible at the very appears like quite probable at the end.

Let me give you an example:


What if you suddenly realize that a sequence of exercises can make you a great writer. Nowadays being a great writer pays off pretty well, so why wouldn't you learn more about these exercises? You don't have time you say?

What if I told you that becoming a great writer could offer you much more free time than you are currently given.

What if after reaching a level you are happy with you start writing your own book.

What if one night you go to bed and realize you have finished your book faster than you've ever expected thanks to the healthy routines you've acquired because of following the above mentioned sequence of writing exercises.

What if you publish your book on Kindle and all other channels and see your efforts are really paying off.

What if you realize that your writing skill is a powerful weapon that can help yourself and other people overcome a serious financial issue or other kinds of problems.

I hope you got the example: start with something small and reach to a point that makes impossible things seem as possible. You are free to choose the tense and the subject of the 'What if...' assumptions.


As usual, the deadline for this task is 48 hours or by Wednesday midnight.


Have questions? Just ask.

Keep writing,

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