Creative Writing Challenge: The Stats

Hello guys,
It took me few more days to accumulate all the data I wanted to present in this post.

We'll take a brief look at various curious stats. Each of you will be able to check his own data and possibly make some interesting conclusions. Some of the numbers are put just for fun.

Let's begin with:

Posts and participants

A total number of participants:

A total number of participants
that have submitted posts for all of the 9 challenges:

A total number of posts
submitted by all participants:

As you see, about one third of all participants have managed to finish on time.

The Great 5 Stats

Let's now take a closer look at the stats behind the work of the 5 participants that has submitted posts about all the 9 tasks.

Challenger:Task #1Task #2Task #3Task #4Task #5Task #6Task #7Task #8Task #9
@Cristof (worth mentioning as well)1122-1890788147547182919351170

A total number of words submitted by all participants and average number of words for all posts:

Challenger:Average words per postAll words:
@Cristof (worth mentioning as well)12109680

I decided to include @cristof's stats because his numbers are impressive even though he didn't participate in Task #2. Actually his posts has the highest average number per post and he has written the most words.

A total number of hours involved in thinking, planning and writing: about 60 hours.

It's never too late to update the posts with new metrics and I'd be glad if you hint me about stats you'd like to see included here. As announced, next post will be devoted on ''the making of' the challenge and will reveal mainly some struggles I had to overcome to plan, write and publish all the tasks on time.

I'm also happy to share that I already have ideas for 3 new tasks. I think it's worth collecting few more, write some things in advance and launch a new challenge with a slightly different approach that could make it a bit easier for me to manage it.

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